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77 si

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Everything posted by 77 si

  1. I have a hw77 mate and a pcp,but I still realy enjoy taking the springer out, realy good gun no complaints so far
  2. Welcome back mate, good luck with the crows
  3. number1 mate, but I would realy like to see number two
  4. Daystate huntsman is the one to get if you ask me, awsome gun
  5. They should bring back the electic chair for human trash like them
  6. 77 si


    Congratulations Welldone to your mrs
  7. Hi Jasper Realy good read mate nice one
  8. Looks like a large staffy bull to me mate
  9. Hi All, Ive been out shooting this morning with my logun solo(pcp),And it started to make a hissing noise where it is loosing pressure. The hissing noise is at its loudest when the bolt is pulled right back in the open positon, and at its quitest when the bolt is pushed forward in the closed position. It took about two minutes for the gun to loose a full charge has any one got any ideas as to what this might be. Thanks
  10. Hi All, I have been out shooting this morning with my logun solo, and it has started to make a hissing noise where it is loosing pressure. The hissing noise is at its loudest when the bolt is is pulled right back in the open position, and at its quietest when the bolt is in the forward closed position. It took about two minutes for the gun to loose a full charge .Has any body got any ideas as to what this could be? Thanks
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