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77 si

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Everything posted by 77 si

  1. couldn't agree with you more !!
  2. good luck,looking forward to seeing the pics
  3. Nice write up, I'm taking my HW77 out tomorrow for a bit of a play.
  4. Had a similar problem with my logun solo not to long ago. So I tried it on a full charge and the problem went away keep us posted I would be interested to know how you get on. ATB getting your gun fixed Si
  5. 77 si


    I saw it too couldnt believe how fast he killed it considering the rabbit was five times the size of the stoat
  6. Good advice weihrauch make some quality rifles. ATB with the gun shopping
  7. Great shooting there mate
  8. 77 si


    Thats shocking not the dogs fault though its all the owners F*CKING IDIOT
  9. thats pretty bad sh*t
  10. Sh*t that pies got some kick to it
  11. Mate thats terrible news, hope you catch the bast*rds ATB si
  12. If god didn't like hunting, Then why did he make animals out of food.
  13. Great write up fellas, sounds like you both had a laugh and had a good nights hunting aswell good effort
  14. Shame the bunny got away but great shot on the pigwing
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