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77 si

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Everything posted by 77 si

  1. Hi Mrs Mole Welcome to the forum
  2. nice shooting, good pics too.
  3. nice shooting fellas. great pics too.
  4. Hi mate I have got a logun solo it is a ten shot now and has a hw silencer on it, and so far I am really pleased with it.. I have owned the rifle for about two years now, It is very quiet and accurate and so far very reliable. Hope this helps you. ATB Si
  5. 77 si

    another rat

    nice shooting pal
  6. Yeh I no what your saying, and a very nice gun you have chosen to buy it ill come
  7. Hi mate, I no how your feeling, Ive been there before myself gone a couple of months of not seeing much at all on one of my permisions.I was thinking a bit like you are now wondering where every thing has gone so I started going up there at all kinds of different times of the day and night. I found that all of the quarry were still there but they were staying down the holes or very well hidden during the day then coming out at night.. Which is a bit strange considering we never used to see much at night up there it always used to be better in the day.So if I were you I wouldnt throw in
  8. Hi Scott Nice shot pal, good first effort on the scope cam aswell ATB Si
  9. Hi mate if only I had a quid for every one of these posts I have read All of the above is write you and your brother are going to have to go around a few of your local farms, If I was you I would try getting some insurance before you go it helps the farmer see that you are both responsible and you never no when it might come in handy ATB with the search Si
  10. great write up and photos pal nice rifle too
  11. nice1 mate very nice, sounds like you have just landed some good permission there
  12. amazing shooting there pal never seen anyone bag that may rabbits in a session before with out fac
  13. nice shooting there pal, second shot was really nice
  14. Nice write up there pal good shooting aswell
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