good bag there mate,the old man looks well chuffed,i agree with tomo get some more ferrets in and get them moving .a few digs and a bit of diving about and you could end up as fit as the ferrets LOL.
either way never had any bother,dogged rabbits straight in if needed,ferreted or shot gutted for ease of carrying.anything else fed whole.only speaking for myself but mine always go for the guts first.
best time to start colour feeding is before they start moulting,like now then hopefully you will catch all the feathers as they moult,and all the new ones will be coloured up.hope this helps.
alright ruby tex,as the second named person / partner,you have no rights at all.the only thing you can do is waite 3 years and hope in this time the tenant changes there mind and lets you run the whole plot.then you can apply to the council to sign the plot over to you,this is not automatic but you will be in good stead ifyou have been working the plot and keeping it hartlepool you will be inspected on a yearly basis.hope this helps.
i have an adult dog polecat with red eyes ,you can only see the red in good light,its eyes are visualy dark.he also has a white neck marking as kay stated,its brother was nearly black with normal black eyes.i have had a few over the years,polecat and sandys.
thats a f#cking disgrace,if joe public done that to a ferret in there care,they would be banned from keeping animals,fined,and posibly jailed,and rightly so but big buisness literaly get away with murder.shame on them.
and if the rest of the country .had come out with the miners .we wouldnt be in the shit we are now .once thatcher and that yank she brought in starved the miners out .we were f****d first went the family silver .privatisation brought about massive increases in living costs .all the industry as we knew it in this country was sold down the river . local communitys died a death .politicians and bankers made millions at our expense and all the work in this country now is being taken up by foreigners who are being employed through agencys being run by foreigners .if the unions of old were around no