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Everything posted by jason9090

  1. how does the hunter rating work on here

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    2. hedz31


      its just something on a post folks can like what ye put ie they think it makes sense or your right its not the more ye post

    3. jason9090


      so the more likes i get the higher up the ratin i go

    4. jason9090


      raiting bad spellin


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  2. I find its better to get the hob done mate that way you can still use him to take the jills out of season and should the need arrise you can still put the jills back to another hob later on although you should also consider that he will turn out to be the worlds greatest worker and the blood line will be lost forever as i found with a hob i had it was the last time i ever visited the vet with a ferret never will i put 1 through it again dont know if this helps theres many views im sure you wil make tthe right choice
  3. I frontlined my ferrets with the cat stuff a year ago and havent seen a flee since and there still alive i just used 1 dose on 3 ferrets
  4. neither had we before yesturday mate and a have t say id seen pictures but they dont compare and i know its nothin more than a rabbit at the end of the day it meant so much more the 3 of just had a stuppid grin for the rest of the day
  5. there a bit better than the pics i got up mate u no how it is crappy laptop
  6. 3 Warrens in and not even a scamper. But much to our surprise, Pip, my 7 Month old 1/4 collie, 3/4 whippet marked her first hole so down went the nets. Before we could enter the ferret out bolted a rabbit much to our dismay. There was nothing we could do but watch the little black tail run. Off went the dog to a warren not too far away, the nets were down so in went the ferret. 1 rabbit later and pip still wasn't back so off we went to the next warren where pip waited anxiously. Once again the 15 nets were down and it was time for a brew. The drinks were gone so on we went and with it onl
  7. first black rabbit and yes i was like a 5 year old kid again

    1. theferreter


      always a good feeling when a black 1 hits the net

    2. jason9090


      yes mate it bein our first just made our day

  8. ferretin in the mornin cant wait wont sleep tonight

  9. found the most amazin plot of land covered in 5 and 6 holers all short grass nice damb nature reserve

    1. paulus


      gets dark early..

    2. jason9090


      really surely thats mega trouble

      cant say i didnt think about it

    3. Sy118


      Them holes do look good. I did try and look up the laws on hunting a nature reserve but couldn't ding oat. Not to say there isn't any after all there is 1.5 million acts and statues in te UK. Have a look jay see if you can find oat.

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  10. Easy mate. Aslong as the paperwork Is wrote up you can get away with anything! Isn't a labradoodle a recognised kc breed now? Yeah I'm happy with her, looked up borador on google and she doesnt look like one of them really. More lab than anything else, lab coat, all black with a small White patch on her chest and a slightly pointier nose. Just like you described some labs of nowadays. Maybe she is a 3/4 cross haha suppose I will never know her exact makeup, theres lab in there and some collie for sure.............. Possibly a bit of bull (laugh):...................... You Would know
  11. it was a joke lol yea and it probably was when my mate sugested but a still got bit
  12. full ped how does that work then 2 different breeds of dog
  13. and thats how the bug starts good on ya mate im sure ul have hours of fun
  14. il get on to it mate pip my 7 month 3/4 whippit collie after a mornin with the ferrets and nets
  15. personally iv looked at hancocks litters in person he wouldnt cull because hes all about the money dare i say it puppy farm
  16. well said although im not innocent as few of us are i always find that price reflects surely lowering the price t give a young lad a chance is the best answer the pups may be worth 300 each but dead there of no value
  17. lol love it iv got the most disobedient 3/4 whippit x collie if that helps lol
  18. tried chain mail gloves they dont work ferret teeth are too small to be stopped by the links they can still bite
  19. some people recommend vinegar mate but if there attackin you regardles they are probably past help
  20. we want to ferret mate we use purse nets and a long net depending on the situation and a 3/4 whippit x collie we keep to the margins leave everythin as we found it and take all our dead with us and we have 6 ferrets
  21. iv had a couple of russels and i find they give up to easily dont get me wrong a freind of mine had a very good russel.
  22. finding some more permision

    1. yorkshirehunter


      its easier said thn done pal

    2. jason9090


      it is mate we can but knock i hear that once you find a nice plot more people let u on how right that is could be anyones guess

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