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its ma baw

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Everything posted by its ma baw

  1. lurcher x bullgray i think got her on monday shes not eaten till yesterday when i got hir bro I'm not surprised going with the way your holding the dog for the photo. Fucksake, the thing is terrified. Hope the photo was worth it. i was holding it like that bcoz she see next door f*****g cat this is her out Is she scared of the f*****g cat then? what are you like baw LOL, no wonder mate.... He's got the dog in a death grip.... its tails between its legs and he's wondering why it isn't eating!!! I dunno..... It's a funny old world. check the t shirt baw.ano
  2. lurcher x bullgray i think got her on monday shes not eaten till yesterday when i got hir bro I'm not surprised going with the way your holding the dog for the photo. Fucksake, the thing is terrified. Hope the photo was worth it. i was holding it like that bcoz she see next door f*****g cat this is her out Is she scared of the f*****g cat then? what are you like baw LOL, no wonder mate.... He's got the dog in a death grip.... its tails between its legs and he's wondering why it isn't eating!!! I dunno..... It's a funny old world. dont be s
  3. lurcher x bullgray i think got her on monday shes not eaten till yesterday when i got hir bro I'm not surprised going with the way your holding the dog for the photo. Fucksake, the thing is terrified. Hope the photo was worth it. i was holding it like that bcoz she see next door f*****g cat this is her out Is she scared of the f*****g cat then? what are you like baw LOL, no wonder mate.... He's got the dog in a death grip.... its tails between its legs and he's wondering why it isn't eating!!! I dunno..... It's a funny old world.
  4. Dogs a dog is a dog is a dog........... How is your kids with dogs? See what I mean mate? All different. Most lurchers are fine but if any dog is laying down and a kid comes over and stands on his knackers, he'll react. I'd never trust any dog alone with a kid, mostly because kids are unpredictable lol.
  5. lurcher x bullgray i think got her on monday shes not eaten till yesterday when i got hir bro I'm not surprised going with the way your holding the dog for the photo. Fucksake, the thing is terrified. Hope the photo was worth it. i was holding it like that bcoz she see next door f*****g cat this is her out Is she scared of the f*****g cat then?
  6. lurcher x bullgray i think got her on monday shes not eaten till yesterday when i got hir bro I'm not surprised going with the way your holding the dog for the photo. Fucksake, the thing is terrified. Hope the photo was worth it.
  7. youve been away from glasgow too long mate ,thats auld patter.but i have heard that phrase many times from an AULD aquantance FF's mate, you still at it lol...... Give it up BTW, I ain't that auld lol.... well, compared to some. :drag: Psssst, someones deleting my posts.... Or maybe I'm just a paranoid tic supporter... :protest:
  8. Looking good mate....remember a while back you said I might be able to get a pup from you........ where have you been hiding my old glasgow mucker,you on trying to stir up hornets nests You'd never believe me if I told you lol......... psst, don't want to waste Davids thread here mate and besides..... I think you and him have something good going lol.... :friends: ...... Love is in the air....... you not up for a threesom then :blush: I'd need to go last mate..... I'd ruin it for you....... split in 2 like a kipper....
  9. Looking good mate....remember a while back you said I might be able to get a pup from you........ where have you been hiding my old glasgow mucker,you on trying to stir up hornets nests You'd never believe me if I told you lol......... psst, don't want to waste Davids thread here mate and besides..... I think you and him have something good going lol.... :friends: ...... Love is in the air.......
  10. If its slugs mate, any chance of a loan of them over the summer, f*****g crops are plagued with em.....
  11. cheers mate its the redmills im with at the moment but was told 27% protein is to high and go for something with about 24 25% protein or do u have a redmills with less or have i been given bad advise. thanks mate Like everything else, if the dog is doing fine on it then its ok. High protein is only really a problem if they aren't getting enough work in my view and even then its not a health problem but a over hyper, etc, problem. The dog isn't long in telling you if the feed ain't right for the work load. cheers mate he is only 5 months and ive had him 2 weeks so we are just doi
  12. Why did someone get rid of a 2 year old dog?
  13. they be 4months old now well any one get one If they did they,d gave them back. litter of runty looking things. pup getting there but my one defo not going no where and will not be going back heres wee pic of mine Better hope your rabbits come on stilts, seems to be struggling with a feed on the ground lol.
  14. cheers mate its the redmills im with at the moment but was told 27% protein is to high and go for something with about 24 25% protein or do u have a redmills with less or have i been given bad advise. thanks mate Like everything else, if the dog is doing fine on it then its ok. High protein is only really a problem if they aren't getting enough work in my view and even then its not a health problem but a over hyper, etc, problem. The dog isn't long in telling you if the feed ain't right for the work load.
  15. Looking good mate....remember a while back you said I might be able to get a pup from you........
  16. well said that mate ,as long as they try there best when out ,as they only get better with age and the right managment and a lot of patiance which some people havnt got .i picked a young bitch up at 6 months old and she is now 18 months ,when i first got her out in the field at 11 months old she wouldnt run a rabbit or leave my side or get out of the van even . a few took the piss but i laughed it off and said she,ll come good when she,s ready .she progressed slowly to running rabbit daytime and then onto the lamp ,she would run a rabbit on the lamp but not a hare proberbly looked to big for h
  17. put pure bees honey on it its a natural antesepti wound treatment I'm sure it is mate but don't you think the dog will go mad trying to get to it?
  18. I hear what your saying, there are people like that but they are usually just an older version of the option 2 in my view. These boards are all about opinions and I appreciate yours.
  19. Can I be your dog??? You can call me Kiaora if you like....... (One for the older posters me thinks) Be my bitch lol, not getting the name kiaora though??? Kiaora use to be an orange drink, don't know if you still get. Anyhow, the advert on the telly was a cartoon with a great wee song that started with, can I be your Dog?..... Kiaora a boogy woogy wooogy....... Some chanter me so I is.......
  20. Can I be your dog??? You can call me Kiaora if you like....... (One for the older posters me thinks)
  21. Well f**k me....... Bet that was hard to say lol... Admire you honesty though... Only right thing i've seen you write on here.... LOL, only kidden mate.
  22. Sorry Norra Batty, forgot about you.......... OK, there is the third type.... the guy who only sees courses on the telly....... That beter?
  23. I generally find that lurchermen fall into 2 catogories.... Those that have a dog for life and those that go through dogs like they are batteries for the remote. Now, normally the guy who buys a dog for life generally gets one good dog in his life time, one world beater that the rest will never live up to. He accepts this however and is happy with his lot and as a result, his "companion" pays him tenfold. This lurcherman isn't out to kill everything in sight, he is happy getting a couple of right good chases and one or two for the pot. He normally hunts alone or occasionally with company.
  24. Does it rescue many mountains? I usually get my dog to pay its way through the summer months..... f**k allowing all these polish c**ts to get all the jobs..... he's a dab hand at the old rhubarb picking, not so good at the strawberries though.... gets too many stuck on his beard, sure give away......
  25. The best all rounder gotta be the Saluki cross...... Especially if the sires one of those Furley Cup dugs..... they're the best there is yea know......
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