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its ma baw

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Everything posted by its ma baw

  1. This might come as a surprise to you Wingnut...... but I don't give a flying f**k what you think!!! As for your I've killed hares from Caithness to Kent rant.... I don't think I'm alone when I say.... Who gives a f**k!!! My auld pappy use to say...... Look around you and see which ones the dick, there is always one..... if you cant see him... must be you. Anyhow, as a mere guy who doesn't need to brag where I've killed hares and alas, since this f*****g thread is aimed for me, I'll give my opionion as I feel.... The dog never showed me nothing special.... was boring... Aye it finally kille
  2. This might come as a surprise to you Wingnut...... but I don't give a flying f**k what you think!!! As for your I've killed hares from Caithness to Kent rant.... I don't think I'm alone when I say.... Who gives a f**k!!! My auld pappy use to say...... Look around you and see which ones the dick, there is always one..... if you cant see him... must be you. Anyhow, as a mere guy who doesn't need to brag where I've killed hares and alas, since this f*****g thread is aimed for me, I'll give my opionion as I feel.... The dog never showed me nothing special.... was boring... Aye it finally kille
  3. yh shes been rested for bout a month or so an lilltle walkin 2 build the muscle back up got a apointment at vets next week see if averythings ok thanks for the help IT WILL TAKE A LOT LONGER THAN A MONTH LAD ok thanks an should i totaly rest her or give her lil walkin ?? walk her for a month and if she seems bang on ,trot her behind the bike or car,slowly building her up,if shes still sound then the season is upon you.away you go and good luck What if you cant afford a bike mate, is it ok to get it to follow the bus?
  4. This might come as a surprise to you Wingnut...... but I don't give a flying f**k what you think!!! As for your I've killed hares from Caithness to Kent rant.... I don't think I'm alone when I say.... Who gives a f**k!!! My auld pappy use to say...... Look around you and see which ones the dick, there is always one..... if you cant see him... must be you. Anyhow, as a mere guy who doesn't need to brag where I've killed hares and alas, since this f*****g thread is aimed for me, I'll give my opionion as I feel.... The dog never showed me nothing special.... was boring... Aye it finally kille
  5. Thats the best way to teach a pup If the dog is nervous it probably wont pick up when doubled up with a more experianced dog. A lot of pups go through this faze, just like everything else the dog has learned up on till now, it will take it time to learn to pick up. I reckon the dog is a bit too young anyhow mate to be honest. Your only looking to create other more unfixable problems like yapping etc.
  6. Firstly, can I just say how honoured I am to get a thread posted for my attention I feel like I have arrived Now, as for the footage........... It was ok mate if I'm being honest. To the untrained eye it probably brought a few semis as is evident when you read the replies. But alas, for me it was nothing more than a publicity video. f**k, I've even seen a wee bit of footage that made Gary Nevil look like a footballer lol. Most of the hares that dog caught were all trying to head the one way cos we all know on land that size, the nearest cover is only going to be one way. The dog therefor
  7. If you don't think it will line pockets mate then your being very nieve. Pinky and the brain are 2 laboratory mice who every night, plan to take over the world. Kids cartoon and yes, I am very childish. For as long as I can remember, we have all heard about these super dogs from the coursing world and correct me if I'm wrong, anytime a thread starts on here, its always talking about some retired or dead super dog of the past. So, with that reckoning, the dogs can't be improving much if no one is talking about them or is it the old case of the longer ago the chase, the longer the chase was.....
  8. If you don't think it will line pockets mate then your being very nieve. Pinky and the brain are 2 laboratory mice who every night, plan to take over the world. Kids cartoon and yes, I am very childish. For as long as I can remember, we have all heard about these super dogs from the coursing world and correct me if I'm wrong, anytime a thread starts on here, its always talking about some retired or dead super dog of the past. So, with that reckoning, the dogs can't be improving much if no one is talking about them or is it the old case of the longer ago the chase, the longer the chase was.....
  9. I appreciate your enthusiasm towards the breed and I agree it has good attributes to give to the world of hunting but(you knew it was coming) if you believe it will take over the greyhound as top cross I'm afraid your sadly mistaking. I'm interested in what you say about breeding the ultimate saluki hybrid and who knows, this might be the answer but it wont be in our lifetime mate. Hi, just to reiterate, i never said the saluki would take over the greyhound as the top cross.. As for ultimate saluki hybrids.....let me tell you something.....its nearer than what you might think mat
  10. i havent got a clue to be honest with you mate i would like to find out but wouldnt know where to start Nicest saluki I've ever seen mate.
  11. Harden the pads? Feet not that good then?
  12. I appreciate your enthusiasm towards the breed and I agree it has good attributes to give to the world of hunting but(you knew it was coming) if you believe it will take over the greyhound as top cross I'm afraid your sadly mistaking. I'm interested in what you say about breeding the ultimate saluki hybrid and who knows, this might be the answer but it wont be in our lifetime mate.
  13. Well done mate, we all know that feeling mate, the pride lol.
  14. To be fair, what you know isn't worth knowing.
  15. You know I'm right though..... The saluki is nothing more than another cross to be put over the mighty greyhound. It's true and no matter how much it irritates you, its still the truth.... Any newcomers to lurchers, first thing they should learn.... a lurcher is generally a greyhound cross...... ey gryhound and a bit of sheep dog , you wont go far wrong till you grow up and learn abit Teach us then..... Let us suckle from the nipple of knowledge..... pray tell my auld mucker.... what is the ultimate warrior for these mere isles? Is it the pure saluki? cant ed
  16. You know I'm right though..... The saluki is nothing more than another cross to be put over the mighty greyhound. It's true and no matter how much it irritates you, its still the truth.... Any newcomers to lurchers, first thing they should learn.... a lurcher is generally a greyhound cross...... ey gryhound and a bit of sheep dog , you wont go far wrong till you grow up and learn abit Teach us then..... Let us suckle from the nipple of knowledge..... pray tell my auld mucker.... what is the ultimate warrior for these mere isles? Is it the pure saluki? cant ed
  17. You know I'm right though..... The saluki is nothing more than another cross to be put over the mighty greyhound. It's true and no matter how much it irritates you, its still the truth.... Any newcomers to lurchers, first thing they should learn.... a lurcher is generally a greyhound cross...... ey gryhound and a bit of sheep dog , you wont go far wrong till you grow up and learn abit Teach us then..... Let us suckle from the nipple of knowledge..... pray tell my auld mucker.... what is the ultimate warrior for these mere isles? Is it the pure saluki?
  18. You know I'm right though..... The saluki is nothing more than another cross to be put over the mighty greyhound. It's true and no matter how much it irritates you, its still the truth.... Any newcomers to lurchers, first thing they should learn.... a lurcher is generally a greyhound cross......
  19. saluki blood all the way mate wouldnt get another lurcher unless it had at least half saluki in it they always seem 2 amaze me in the field. what would the other half be collie?? (because people say salukis lack intelegence/obiedence)? pmsl they are clever enough to catch those gazzell , and definatly no collie in them !! fair comment but there are no livestock to distract them no roads to stop them running into and no real chance they are going to retrive a gazzell live to hand i was more contemplating collie blood to make my training easier as i am not an old hand
  20. Isn't it time the f*****g laws were changed where the public had more of a say what laws were brought in? They say we have a democracy but I can't remember voting for hunting to get banned in scotland and yet it happened. I never even voted for that fat b*****d brown and we got him or the liberals. Anyhow, I know this is about Ireland but the same applies. Getting rich noblemen to govern the country was ok when everyone else was farm working illiterates but the same rules don't apply anymore. We're all educated and self made etc so why can't we be more in control of the laws in our land? We ha
  21. saluki blood all the way mate wouldnt get another lurcher unless it had at least half saluki in it they always seem 2 amaze me in the field. what would the other half be collie?? (because people say salukis lack intelegence/obiedence)? pmsl they are clever enough to catch those gazzell , and definatly no collie in them !! fair comment but there are no livestock to distract them no roads to stop them running into and no real chance they are going to retrive a gazzell live to hand i was more contemplating collie blood to make my training easier as i am not an old hand
  22. saluki blood all the way mate wouldnt get another lurcher unless it had at least half saluki in it they always seem 2 amaze me in the field. what would the other half be collie?? (because people say salukis lack intelegence/obiedence)? pmsl they are clever enough to catch those gazzell , and definatly no collie in them !! fair comment but there are no livestock to distract them no roads to stop them running into and no real chance they are going to retrive a gazzell live to hand i was more contemplating collie blood to make my training easier as i am not an old hand
  23. Honest question here........ Do you know this from your own experiance or are you making it up? A dog stale lol... its not a f*****g loaf!!!
  24. going of topic whin and baws great adventures start a new thread Whin can be shrek and I'll be Donkey...... Or the cat, I'd like to be the cat. Whits his name?
  25. Do you know something whin, there is only a few folk on here I'd like to go hunting with mate and your one of them. I might yank your chain but honestly mate, I can smell a bullshitter a mile off and I reckon your alright mate. f**k me, I think some c**ts spiked my diet Irn Bru......
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