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its ma baw

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Everything posted by its ma baw

  1. I remember being in the pub and it was near the end of the night and this bloke I knew who worked his way into our company asked me if I could loan him some money for his bus fair, £1.70 it was. I being a nice chap gave him it and the b*****d bought himself a pint!!! f****n raging I was..... well worth the 5 years in BarL........
  2. That dog looks as if it should be 4 inches taller cos of its long back. Nice dog mate, hope you have success with it.
  3. Another observation by me..... funny how no c**t has ever run a dog in a simulated course!!! lol
  4. Looks a handy dog mate. Bet she is exciting to watch.
  5. There you go mate, good place to start by the sounds of it.
  6. @ Ma Baw.... LOL mate, its true.... You'd think they were talking about wanking or some dirty secret lol.... If they do it for fun or not, whats to hide.... Thats what your into ff's..... doesn't seem much fun having to pretend your putting talc on your dugs baws cos he likes it lol.
  7. Funny how like showing, no one takes it serious, all do it for fun and yet when you see folk at these shows, they all take it serious!!! And everyone who posts talking about it has to point out they don't take it serious!!! BTW, just an observation on my part, I'd never do it even for fun lol...
  8. A good bloody hiding...... or a bit of lead behind it's lug !! Totally agree. Forget this tip toeing around the situation.... Your too late with the training part i.e what should have happened when it was a pup, now its down to the last stage saloon.... Short lead, walk through the sheep ever spare moment you've got till your sick of the sight of the f*****g things, forget about if the dog makes a lunge at them, if the c**t even looks at them, scruff of the neck, roar into his face, give him the fear of god, let him know your boss and sheep are a no no.... keep this up till he wont look
  9. Fucksake mate, i'm gonna keep that wee story and tell the weans it as a bedtime story!!! Happy go lucky eh!!!
  10. Aye................. fair enough but could she make a good cup of tea???
  11. sorry richard ,merlin and eve an extension of saluki!!! dont know where you got that thinking!!!! or did i misread it Cheers for your opinions and answers regarding what I was stumbling towards in the above post was have we in the last 30 or so years done what the bedouins and arabs did centuries ago, ie create a 'breed/type' especially for running certain types of quarry on certain terrains, looking at a lot of the coursing types they appear to have so much saluki and I know that even today lads are putting well bred coursing stud dogs back to pure saluki bitches, pouri
  12. I thought that would be obvious mate, the answers in the question lol.
  13. Totally agree with you whin mate... too many prancers own salukis, using them as badges of honour. The KC etc has never helped a hunting breed yet to my knowledge.....
  14. Whins got a point though.................... ......
  15. ............ ............... ... ..........
  16. Good read that mate. See when you finally catch the criter, I bet you miss it when your exercising the dog.
  17. I ain't no expert on salukis mate but I don't think it is.
  18. I know a guy (dead now) Who used an Italian Greyhound to catch rabbits. This wee dog would jump a double barbed wire fence!!! Couldn't stand the rain in winter but for sheer determination and guts, got my vote. Size doesn't matter for rabbits mate, you'll catch rabbits with a terrior. Look how fast a rabbit runs with its little legs
  19. whin ,the reason people inport any livestock .is in there belief it will hopefully add something ..good to there gene pool and it can be a gamble ...but if you dont try youll never know ..life is about risk ..and minimise the risk by aquiring what you see as the best opption available ..not the same for everyone ..look faward whin ..not back I reckon Riohog Is the top saluki know it all on here..... You got to admire someone with that knowledge and passion for a breed....
  20. Totally agree with you mate.... Salukis are the be all end all
  21. Good time to be 7 months, by the time the season starts, he'll be the perfect age. When he's 9 month mate and your out on your walk, let him chase the odd 3/4 grown rabbit but try and make sure the odds are in the favour of the dog. Letting a dog watch a rabbit run away on the lead can have a negative affect so, its just all a learning curve. You just don't want him to be chasing lost causes without any outcome, thats a sure way of encouraging him to yap. a person of many words? do your own thing mate your dog Many words? 5 sentences? For someone who has only graced the boards for ov
  22. He must have been massive if you can tell he's lost weight in that photo lol. Nice pup btw. i was mate ,19stone at one time lol Perfect weight if you were 8ft 4 Just needed to grow a wee bit mate.
  23. Good time to be 7 months, by the time the season starts, he'll be the perfect age. When he's 9 month mate and your out on your walk, let him chase the odd 3/4 grown rabbit but try and make sure the odds are in the favour of the dog. Letting a dog watch a rabbit run away on the lead can have a negative affect so, its just all a learning curve. You just don't want him to be chasing lost causes without any outcome, thats a sure way of encouraging him to yap.
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