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Everything posted by upperlane2

  1. thatcds been out years ive used it a while back no 5 used 2 work well how long ago did u make it i got mine on ebay
  2. was a member for 2 years never got 2 beat once biggest load off don't waste ur money. go around ur local shoots ask keepers in local shoots if any chance off a beat ull be suprised how keen they are for good beaters
  3. he should pick the one u send him for change it around or it will get used to it dont do the same routine 2 many times
  4. my hancock 5/8 beardie/collie 3/8 greyhound taking foxes and rabbits with ease shes a bit heavy needs a few hours on the road lol
  5. Lovely looking dog is he 3/4 deerhound? hows the black dog bred mate u should saddle him up lad you wouldn,t need to be in a smallish field lol
  6. had one offered to me last week or so boy didnt know were it came from looks a bit like it wat age the border in londonderry but
  7. get a bottle of disifectant and stanley blade if there under 2 weeks if over that get the vet if ur not sure and get them irish passports lol
  8. well said lad we breed dogs to work not 2 brag about
  9. mate off mine has one alasxgreyhound over greyxbull he had it out last year and it done a charlie but its was still young . But he has high hopes for it this season
  10. if u know any trials men about they,ll sell u good cocker that just dosnt make grade for them but make excellent rough beating dogs they usually come very well schooled.
  11. nice dog lad like ur slippers lol
  12. depends how much room u have i keep 2 in pen about 12ft by5ft but they have 2 get out daily . works alright 4 me but if i had room i would make it as big as you can
  13. a bitch she will be easier worked wiyh if its ur first 2 train as gundog. As for jumping try ur coat over fence or put ur arm across and learn her to jump over that it will save ur dog in long run
  14. take bedding out and burn it u can buy a flea capsule from pet shop that u burn close off the pens and it kills every thing good job ps take dogs out first
  15. forget about electric collar go back 2 basic training get her sitting staying give her retrieve with plenty of recal whistling and praise. for couple off months about 15 min a day dont rush her traing or u wont change anything when she doing it 100% she will return every time. as for lead every time she pulls turn in a different direction she trying 2 tell you where 2 go if she pulls left u go right she;ll soon start following in a raised voice enforce the heel command every time u turn use any lead u want dosent matter key thing is dont rush her
  16. hi there we have buzzard nesting in tree in our pens put ur empty meal bags up with rope around ur pen it stops them dropping in must be movement off bags and dont shoot all ur rabbits around pen they will take them first
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