if the dog is so good why not go back to same dog which produced him.if it worked right once why not again that close only asking for problems down the line ATB
time 2 stop the shooting over the dog and go back to basics dont listen to these boy s saying a cocker wont pick up of a peg . All dogs will it sound like u are giving ur dog to many retrieves so for the next few weeks u do all the picking up maybe give her 1 at the end of a training session. but the key is to get her before she gets the retrieve and put her back to where she was.it might seem harsh but u know she can retrieve so work on her steadiness ATB Andy
Depends what you are going to use it for? If you are looking for a dog to go beating then a springer or cocker would be a good choice and if you are wanting a dog for picking up then a lab or retriever would be my choice.
Cheers bud will be used for bushing and gun
wat kind u got coming
cant wait to get it out and try it on foxy . Had it at targets yesterday at 50 yards furlest from bull was 1" but rest i had wasnt 100 % steady getting my mate to zero it for me next weekend at range. ATB Andy
hi mate get urself a long lead let the dog have a smell/play as soon aS U call and it dosent respond give it a gentle tug and when it comes back give it plenty of praise. It will soon get the picture and the pup should want to be with u so plenty of play and praise at that young age.
would you not consider th .204 a bit more rangey and accurate on foxey with a lighter bullet 32g vmax
statistics like 200yds dead centre 300yds 41/2" drop
sounds like dirty fuel or pumps picked up dirt from bottom of tank was she low when u filled change filter (fuel) if its still doing it drain tank and refill somewhere else atb
does anyone have a high seat around there pens, shoot, have a great spot to build one if use have any pics or ideas on one would be very useful 2 me has 2 cover all 4 sides atb
field and stream , enniskillen
outdoor shop strabane
mc cloys toomebridge
a couple off many were u closest to at border and ill give u a couple off names
instead of squeezing its toes or kneeing it a simple way is to turn ur back and ignore it as soon as it sits down or stops jumping reward it ull have to keep doing it but ull be suprised how easy it works the secret to training any dog is REPEATIVE TRAINING just keep it simple and ull end up with a steady workable gundog atb with ur training
a good retrieving lurcher makes a good tracker out with the rifle they can spot foxes miles before u can theres to much them and us if u dont try one ull never know how versitle a lurcher can be ATB
ill have 2 question ur opinion on blacks are easier 2 hide. put a black and yellow against a hedge or forestry walk back yards and tell me which one stands out more ull find out its the black even at dusk and dawn atb (i own 2 black labs because i find there just a little bit better but would love a good yellow lab )