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Everything posted by upperlane2

  1. wats he like on stock they have a rep for liking sheep atb
  2. wat the best clip to mount a lamp to a 300mm tube i have a cellulamp think its not spelt right. And where the best place to get one thanks and Atb Andy
  3. is it kennel club registered do u have copy of its breeding. Just asking but do u not think its a bit young to be doing as much u might spoil it for someone else Atb
  4. 1 take out the bedding use shavings keeps them spotless 2 my lab was the same nearly hurled when seen act in progress :sick: :sick: try a taste off pineapple in her dinner and a taste off correnda steeped with normal feed with a cupfull of used chippan oil. 3 part 2 should help with this but they doit to regulate there insides this worked for me and hopefully should u (not guarantee it)
  5. usually around the 1st may the branchers are out
  6. it dosent matter point and pull the trigger dont think about it ATB
  7. got my first on sat with the 204 220yards its a great feeling mate ATB
  8. heres a start 47 sec for the 10 bird make that 29 secs
  9. if i was u i would buy 300 for the first year spend ur money on feeders and pull in ur neighbours birds how many people are in ur club/ syndicate
  10. heres a start 47 sec for the 10 bird 90 secs for 25 bird 184 secs for the 50 bird
  11. heres a start 47 sec for the 10 bird 90 secs for 25 bird
  12. the 32s were having bother getting into a 4" group 2 would group then the other3 were miles off havent tried the 39s yet but wewill get something to suit hopefully im not after perfect groups for comps just a round that will take a fox out clean up to 200-250 yds max atb Very strange that the 32's wouldn't shoot well....? but i'm sure the 39's will do you proud... happy hunting. Snap. got my first rabbit with her was out decoying crows and decided to take the ruger. Seen rabbit away out and had a crack at it 1 dead rabbit stepped it out 220 yards was a great feeling k
  13. try the partridge on the same site top game ps if ur not hitting much put the lead on ATB
  14. the 32s were having bother getting into a 4" group 2 would group then the other3 were miles off havent tried the 39s yet but wewill get something to suit hopefully im not after perfect groups for comps just a round that will take a fox out clean up to 200-250 yds max atb Very strange that the 32's wouldn't shoot well....? but i'm sure the 39's will do you proud... happy hunting. Snap. got my first rabbit with her was out decoying crows and decided to take the ruger. Seen rabbit away out and had a crack at it 1 dead rabbit stepped it out 220 yards was a great feeling k
  15. the best advice with any caller is try different volumes and types of squeaks to see wat happens its the only way to learn atb
  16. a shotgun of any type but would recommend a light field gun 12bore. the choice from that is whatever takes ur fancy.
  17. the 32s were having bother getting into a 4" group 2 would group then the other3 were miles off havent tried the 39s yet but wewill get something to suit hopefully im not after perfect groups for comps just a round that will take a fox out clean up to 200-250 yds max atb
  18. The barrel on my Ruger is 1 in 12 if you get the load right it will shoot good groups with 40g. See groups below. Shootingcharley. the 40 have better groups at 100 meters can put 5 into a 1" 1/2 group the 32s were all over the place . must get the wife to put me a pic up. waiting untill the cubs get up a bit then ill start on them. atb
  19. there different colours for different distances i dont know but i use the purple and they fire up to yards try a little oil on the shaft will allow dummie to go free when fired
  20. hi mate try this if ur going to ur mates or just out for a walk take ur bitch and every time u meet someone make ur dog sit and stay every time she moves correct her this worked for me and it very good to steady the dog under distractions.
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