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Everything posted by blackfell

  1. hi all just looking for a few tips on making a double terrier box for the motor,eg size,hieght ,width. i know it must fit in the van lol im not a complete c **t.your help required cheers
  2. hi i went to sparsholt and it seemed ok,but that was a feckin long time ago now,were are you at college now ?
  3. them kerbs are on the piss mate lol
  4. blackfell


    couldnt just be a big clit could it lol ???
  5. wouldnt want to be you shitting that out fella lol
  6. is this parrot deceased???
  7. hi mate check the floor in the back ,they rot out there abit,check diff lock etc.check hi and low box,listen for a clonk on take up ,eg play in transmission,ujs .diffs etc .find out if timining belt has been done if not budget for it,espesially if you cant do it yourself .
  8. blackfell

    4x4 Tyres

    i have the colways on my disco and they are proving themselves ok ,bit noisey on the road,got them direct from colway ,cheap as chips ,good off road too,dont go for really wide tyres ,go for slightly taller ones.
  9. my blackun is just starting to calm down abit lol nearly two now,aslong as hes hunting hes happy,granted he is the most stubborn b*****d out,and has allways been great with the kids,i cant let him off the lead coz hes in hunting mode then,hes done every thing ive asked of him hunting wise,but he wont be winning an obediance class at crufts lol,he is also getting good a guarding my van ,which is a bonus too.
  10. cant beat a good allrounder lads ,stop fecking arguing,stick together,horses for courses and all that. enjoy your sport whatever and wherever it is amen lol
  11. i call my fell {nelson} allsorts of names lol but he takes no notice
  12. doesnt matter what motor they are{disco driver} they are only as good as the cock driveing it
  13. trouble is guys this prick will soon be able to vote? god help us
  14. the people who have these dogs to be fecking hard should be chucked in with the lions ,they use them to intimidate people ,the dogs are there to stop them getting a kicking themselves,gutless feckers .i wouldnt trust any dog that has been geed up from a pup to be aggressive as possible .
  15. if i was that dog,i know where my nose would be lol
  16. very sad r i p little one ,but it doesnt matter what type of dog is involved i wouldnt trust my fell with a baby eg left on its own ,if you must have these dogs please be careful ,im sure you would have the dog destroyed if it was your daughter whatever the breed .
  17. hi my blackfell is still a stubbourn c*** and has got no betta even at two,think hes just taking the p*** most of the time lol
  18. i got an early feckin prezzy from my daughter feckin headlice lol
  19. hi we had to clear a few on a golf course one time ,turn out quite easy in the end they was that used to people being about,we could get close enough for head shots,take our time .
  20. sticky back plastic next lol hope you had a grown up to help with any scissors lol
  21. clean the cobwebs out with ya tounge first lad pmsl
  22. hi yes they have a clearout of non posting members every now and then which is a shame ,us newbies have to learn and start somewhere apart from that its a very good site ,i can understand people being carefull in these times as to who is viewing post etc ,but if its that top secret why post it in the first place?just a shame its all abit cloak and dagger lol ,bnut a very good site all the same i shall just reregister and start again,had some good help from the members there too.
  23. hi lads im new to this lark and need to know the best type,length,material etc to make some net pegs ,we would be grateful of any tips thanks
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