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Everything posted by blackfell

  1. hi lads need some advice please mix according to bottle insrtuction ? dunk dog in a bucket ? lol spray him with it or a bloody good srub @???
  2. blackfell


    a pair of used drawers ,keep him amused lol
  3. howabout GIBBLET WOOD fella lol
  4. hello mate im in south bucks ,if you need some help just ask. pm sent
  5. dont close it please but i understand where lurcherbitch is comming from
  6. f**k and i thought i was doing ok lol
  7. is it me or is there a touch of mastiff in him ?
  8. blackfell


    hi all i keep a few mainly long distance birds , i got a few away at fourgeres in france this weekend.
  9. yep i mean his whole barnet,he looks old enough to be off pigeon milk and pickin up grain {try rice} wheat is best though hold his head under for a few seconds when he has drunk he will eat
  10. TRUST ME i got racers dip his head in the water ,if he dont drink he will die
  11. hi the most important thing is water,dip his ed in a pot of water for a couple of secs and he will soon drink,once he drinks he will soon start to look for food,get yeself a bag of wheat and he will be ok .
  12. you must have met me LB lol,nowt wrong with pickin ya beak aslong as you share,and as for farting ,i spose you real ladys never do that either!
  13. you gals would soon get fed up of him lol ,nickin ya bubble bath and smellies,in the bathroom allday,get yaselfs a real man like meself,nose and ear hair and farts in bed
  14. he might look the part,but i bet hes shite on a spade lol
  15. i like em curvy{like meself}but i aint sharing me fecking dinner
  16. did i pull you last weekend?
  17. hi mate get some welding rods bend into a u shape,hang from some staples so the wires are about an inch n arf apart,make sure they swing free too .
  18. feck i got this bad just swapped me cammo gear for a natty white suite and started but flossin with me thongs{grab a grannie here i come } lol
  19. think im startin mine lol thinking of perming me barnet and wearing a thong pmsl
  20. best before they start using tenna lady eh lads lol
  21. that landlord must be grateful for you protecting his pheasants,are the drinks on him ??? lol
  22. blackfell


    hi lads can any of you lads in ireland ,advise me as to the best areas to move too,regarding sport {terriers} and also work etc,i drive a machine and know theres work there,just need to know areas etc any help will be appreciated ? cheers
  23. thanks for the help lads cheers. now to thieve the wood lol
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