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Posts posted by blackfell

  1. a little bit of thread but here goes



    a few years back a few lads and me had the contract to demolish a few old concrete houses, anyway our first job was to go in and strip out the interiors.

    we was working our way through the houses one by one having the craic, ripping out the wood and old carpets etc, most of the places had been sqatted in and the stench was awful, allso watching out for sharps and stuff like that.

    got to this one house and the squatters had only just left, so first stop the bathroom to pull out the copper tank, when we got there we couldnt help but notice an enormous turd coiled up in the bath like a royal python, well the fumes comeing off this monster made your eyes water, and the sheer size was unbeliveable to,equivilant to child birth i would estimate.

    we argued long and hard on who would go back in and risk there health in faceing the faeces, well the ganger got the short straw to our relief and straightened himself up for the task.

    he strode in there and grabbed hold of the louvre doors concealing the water tank, giving the first door an almighty tug which gave way easy enough, then he pulled the other with a sharp tug too,but alas the top hinge gave way first and the door twatted him straight in the face and he fell backwards towards the bath.

    he managed to stop himself being consumed by that turd by millimetres, with his arms shaking and trembleing as his strength wained he somehow threw himself from the grips of the monster onto the floor.



    well ive never felt as much pain through laughing in my life :thumbs:

  2. Got a mate who works in hospitals he told me a tale about when he was training years ago there was a cirtain well known guy of the telly who had a popular show in the eighties that would come to the morg once a month regular to give a dead un a good seeing too :icon_eek: after he would pay the morg guy and go as if it was the most normal thing in the world !!!




    Nope !


    Heres a clue ..... if you wer lucky he would fix it for you :whistling:

    now then now then now then ,fledge thats slander lol, and because he frequents a hospital near me ,i will make sure my butt plug is fitted and a no entry sign is erected at all times :icon_eek:

  3. i know on landrover/rangerover boxes you can get shims to take up the play,dont over do it or youll never turn the steering wheel.

    years ago my rangie failed the mot on play in the box,put a reecon box on it,and the mot twat still failed it,took it back home swapped em back,pack it out with shims,had to drive it back to the test station in 1st gear coz i couldnt turn the wheel it was that tight,it passed, back home shims out,reecon box returned everyone happy :feck:

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