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Posts posted by blackfell

  1. have your lad grovell about underneath the bugger coz i reckon the sills {inner} have probaly got rot in them around the bottom seat belt mounts on the side of the motor, most cars devoelope this if the rot has sett in , the drain holes that are there are only for draining paint when its sprayed and should be plugged.if it is the sills it should fail the mot and cost you a few bob too sorry :icon_eek:

  2. i can asure peeps shot is a straight talking guy and is only trying to do the dog right, if its not for him then it will go,no fecking about, as he said his mistake , and i know its not about the money either.im sure shot will find the dog a home that suits him better :victory:

  3. had a few sachets of kamagra off a mate , {thought id treat the girl i was with } lol all heart i know

    anyway gave the ol sort a right seeing too, you know on one leg like a pornstar etc had all the moves

    anyway turn her towards the mirror so she could see the effort i was putting into the relationship,

    feck me me head was like a frigging tomato{barnet} the bloody headache i had afterwards put me right of me strokes lol :feck:

  4. had a belingo for work, not a bad van,hammered the fecking nuts off it 90mph + just occasioally thr hydraulic lifters would let out a allmighty rattle, just pull over turn off the engine wait 2 mins and off again lol

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