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Everything posted by zx12edge

  1. Had the dogs out yesterday and seeing as it was snowing took the camera with me and took a few photos
  2. A bloke phones the R.S.P.C.A. and says that while he was walkin in the woods with his Dog,he had found a Suitcase with a Fox and cubs inside.. They asked him if they where moving..? he said he didnt know..but said i supose that whould explane the Suitcase..!
  3. zx12edge

    Guard dogs

    Caucasian Shepherd.There is some clips on youtube testing them got to be the ultimate guard/ protection dog
  4. If you are going to build a court or whatever make it as big as you can.The more space you can give your stinkers the better. This is my set up both courts are connected by pipes so they can get out of the sun and find some shade in the hot weather.
  5. Mine was 3 years over, and updated it in the summer, no fine or nothing. Thanks Paid .Best get mine sent off
  6. Just checked mine needed doing two years ago,if I send it in now will they fine me or what?
  7. The last three dog i have had have all suffered from nettle stings but got over it without giving them anything. I wouldn't put any creams or sprays on because they would just lick them off. an anti-histamine tablet - such as piriton will relieve the pain and itching.Must admit it cracks me up watching them doing the river dance.
  8. My lad took this pissed myself when he showed it to me http://youtu.be/e2qytPCr0LM
  9. This one was sired by Hector very nice mate, whats he like?? Easy to be around type of dog, great nose good stamina and smart but does suffer when it's warm .
  10. My beardie half cross is three and a half year old now and took a couple of years to mature and have one who is about fifteen months old which is beardie grey x beardie grey and maturing a lot quicker than than the half cross.Most of the dogs i have had have been border crosses but I think if you drop on a descent beardie cross they make a smart tough capable hunting partner
  11. Maybe it,s someone's pet that has got out. I had one years ago picked it up at a bus stop were it was scaring the feck out of the people waiting for the bus,so I stopped and put it in the car and took it home. was very tame . He used to get mobbed by wild crows when it was outside
  12. If your not bothered about the colour he has started to sell the black ones cheaper
  13. Worked for the same company for 20 years as a diesel generator engineer earned some good money.They went into liquidation just before Christmas last year.Work for myself now don't make as much dough now but enjoy the lifestyle.As long as I can pay my way and get out and about that will do for me.
  14. Had a dog that pulled like a train on the lead tried the treat toy semi choke collar walking in different directions did not stop him pulling one bit.What worked for me was i put the lead on his collar and put the lead under his front leg by the time we had got half way up the street no more pulling walked him for a couple of weeks like that don't pull no more. Bye the way he would walk well of the lead stop stay and come just on the lead was a problem.
  15. I cook eggs for my dogs in the microwave
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