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Everything posted by zx12edge

  1. hi mate do you have any sandy colour ones going could come up with sky to meet you. ATB long dog There are a couple of sandy ones can,t remember what sex they are will have a look and let you know.
  2. Kits ready to go in a couple of weeks in west midlands photo below. Only albino and a sandy hob left
  3. Feel for you fella it,s never easy losing one of your mucker's . atb edge
  4. I have a look at the kits whenever the jills are feeding to make sure all is well Been sitting in the yard this afternoon and and watched them move the kits to a new nest counted thirteen
  5. This one is out of Hector Had a little bitch out of tweedle dum but broke her neck a couple of years ago at two and a half years old.If I needed another dog One of Hancocks dogs would do for me, but then again i aint no super hunter just like a decent pot filler with collie in the mix and you can trust hancock that it is what it says on the tin
  6. I've got one in the garage that you can have it's old but sound if you take the ammo box out it will take maybe ten guns.with the box in it takes three guns.
  7. Feel for you fella. lost one of mine at the beginning of last season her name was ellie too
  8. Had one out last week it had been driving me mad for a few months so when to dentist.It was infected and the anesthetic did not work.It,was like a scene out of one of them old cowboy films with me thrashing about, stung a bit is a understatement. Best of luck with the tooth fella your a braver man than me
  9. Been vaping for a couple of years now mix me own juice.Quite a few of me mates are using them as well. Tried all the other shit to get of the fags,patches gave me weird dreams could not stand that stuff you shove up your nose.and my will power is not the best but these things work for me.
  10. what cross is this zx12 edge cracker beardie picardy grey x beardie grey
  11. Use mine quite a bit handy little torch
  12. seen a few pics of pups from hecter... they all look a really nice stamp!! what do they work like?? if you came over here could he take a fox or 2?? I reckon he would jack if you run him mainly on fox old school.He is not a bad pot filler though run him on some shit ground and don,t suffer many injuries zx12edge, Looks like he will be out of the same litter as my dog Till, her picture is on the Hancock web site ( standing on rock). With regards to fox, never been tried on one but don't think she would fancy it, handy enough on rabbit, hare,squirrel. She also ran down a roe how
  13. seen a few pics of pups from hecter... they all look a really nice stamp!! what do they work like?? if you came over here could he take a fox or 2?? I reckon he would jack if you run him mainly on fox old school.He is not a bad pot filler though run him on some shit ground and don,t suffer many injuries
  14. Hi zx12edge I note that the black dog is from Hector X Queenie...... nice dog......... what age is it?? Only reason I ask is that I have a bitch out of the same pairing..... she will be 4 in August. she can be seen Hancocks website, goes by the name of Tilly. He is about three and a half years old Fumbles.Got a good chance of being out of the same litter as your Tilly. atb Edge
  15. Seen it fella should of read the other posts first
  16. Fox Bites finger of a child.About time there was a cull on these town foxes me thinks http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2276187/Fox-attack-Neighbours-hysterical-screams-animal-bit-week-old-babys-finger-slept.html#axzz2KVWekzw6
  17. how was he bred? Have not got a clue how he was bred fella.My Grandad got him for me when i was a kid was 11 year old i think all i know is he cost ten bob and the old fukcer made me pay him back.Had him put to sleep when i was 26.
  18. This old fella did not look like he could do much and never got a second look but was a hell of a good pot filler
  19. zx12edge


    COURAGE? What is the meaning of courage? Is it to fight a bull in a bullfight? Is it to fly a fighter plane in combat? Is it to practice free fall parachuting? Is it bungee jumping, wild water rafting? Bullshit........those are nothing! THIS my friend is COURAGE!!!
  20. zx12edge


    I got cctv with four anti vandal cameras and a decent recorder and monitor. Caught one guy trying to get in the yard and two guys robbing the neighbours telly. Also got a few infer red flood lights.My mate has got some land near me and he runs cameras and security lights and a alarm with a big solar panel that charges up some big batteries.
  21. Same here never seen a one in the flesh. Had him from a lad down south
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