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Everything posted by zx12edge

  1. Must admit i tried one of them prong collars after some on said to me that it would sort out a dog that pulled on the leash used it once scared the shite out of the dog never again.The are much better ways to teach a dog then them barbarek things.
  2. This fella is around 26" and a heavy fecker with feet the size of dinner plates but is surprisingly nimble and quick for such a lump of a dog
  3. Put a new hammer spring in give it a clean and some new seals good as new again for the grand sum of £10 for the bits result
  4. Well i certainly was not testing his steel as you put it fella. There is more to the story but i could not be arsed to type it down on here and if you ask him and he is honest with you no doubt he can fill you in. I have no interest in who does or does not frequent their shop. For the record i for one am not prone to invent stories (not saying that you are accusing me of that).
  5. Fair enough if you what me to elaborate i will. I took a gun in a while back to get its power checked Tony said it was under powered so was going to leave it with them to have a look at.Tony said i would have it back in 2 months so i says that is to long for me to wait and will fix it myself.Not a big deal as it is only a s410 and they are easy to work on,with that tony spat his dummy out and said there are bolts snapped on the gun and don't bring the fecking thing back to me after you have messed about with it.By the way all the bolts were in good condition and none were missing.when i looked
  6. Glad for all you that are happy with the service you get of Tony. Me personally i would not take my guns there again.
  7. What camera is it that you are using there mate !? I'm looking to make my own night vision set up as always good to have Hope you can help Don't know the make fella just a cheap Chinese one all i did was take of the infra red filter and screwed a 12mm lense on.I shoot a lot of rats on a few waste transfer sites and feral pigeons it works well, plenty good enough for what i use it for.
  8. better I think, he seems to recover quicker from each run, Bryn does catch quicker, but always been the same as fast on the 1st to the last.Where Buck runs different still fast but not like Bryn does , but there not that much in it really . I am similar to you dog wise got a racy ish half cross and a big lump of a dog, The big fella will run all day and is surprisingly quick and nimble and just as fast as the other one and definatley got more steam in his tank
  9. How do you compare his stamina to Bryn. He looks well bye the way
  10. This cost me £60 ish to put together all but the lamp witch i already had just put a infra-red filler on the end if you only shooting 40 yards you dont need a fancy camera a £20 one of flea bay will do the job
  11. all you need to know on here http://www.nightvisionforumuk.com/
  12. I find keeping my ferrets at ground level were they come into close contact with the dogs.The dogs and ferrets soon lose interest in each other, they my have a little sniff at each other and then get on with there own business.Once they have no interest in each other i let them out and see how they get along most of the time they act as they do in the cage and ignore each other.
  13. Could be a food allergy had one to the vets last year he told me to feed him rice and chicken for a few weeks. Reckoned it was the additives in the kibble i was feeding anyway did as he said and no more head shaking.If it was me i would have him back to the vets
  14. we will get locked up for swatting fly s and being cruel to vegetables next
  15. Cheers fella nice to deal with you Will let you know how i get on with it. ATB Edge
  16. Would you take £400 for a quick sale could pick it up tomorrow ?
  17. I was thinking how I can make my own liquide how do you do it lad ? Ta I buy the nicotine base at 54mg and mix it with flavour from a place called perfumes apprentice and vg and pg from boots chemist. Have a look at this site download the e juice calculator. http://ejuice.breaktru.com/ Sounds a bit complicated at first but really is piss easy to make your own stuff. I spend just over £100 to £200 a year on juice
  18. zx12edge


    Adrian Flux aint bad Had a bump last year and lost me no claims on me van.they told me i could put the no claims from a car i had sold and put it onto my van. result. don't know if they are the cheapest but they do what it says on the tin.
  19. read a thing earlier test had found 9 compounds in ecig vapour 1100 were found in fag smoke And if the eu has its way they are going to ban or regulate Ecigs or put it in the hand of the pharmaceuticals or tobacco companies.Would be a shame if they fecked up maybe the best device to reduce health problems in smokers!!
  20. Propylene Glycol has been tested for years and been found to have no ill affects on us.Maybe some of the flavouring might be bad but still not in the same league as tobacco
  21. I packed up the fags using a ecig about four years ago.Still using the electric one now,I make me own liquid and it has saved me a small fortune plus no more coughing and spluttering in the morning.Not to sure that they are safe but i reckon they are 90 percent safer than tobacco. Makes you look a bit of a knob using them in public but hay i can live with that.The liquid cant be that bad for you its in cough medicine and loads of other shit you eat drink.same stuff that they use in the smoke machine in the pubs and clubs.
  22. There having a hard time by me. think it will be a while till these dry out
  23. Bet you been watching that video on facebook some good old videos on that eafa site.
  24. My old lady's dog had a problem with it's ear was a bit red inside looked to me like a bit of infection, anyway took it to vet and turned out to be a food allergy.All i would say if you are not sure of the cause take it to the vet
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