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Everything posted by zx12edge

  1. RY4 is my choice tried loads of different flavours and keep coming back to that one
  2. Like the look of them pups credit to you, be interesting to see how they come on
  3. My mate Rhodri has two tickets for the final of Euro 2016 but he is also getting married on that day and so cannot attend. If anyone wants to go instead of him, it's at St Andrews Church in Brighton and the brides name is Sarah.
  4. link to full movie http://fmovies.to/film/the-dog-lover.omnz/ykpkzp
  5. They got a pretty good set up at there new place, cost me around £40 a month to feed my dogs. like the way they package there meat stacks in my freezers well.There deodoriser concentrate is good stuff aswell
  6. I have used Andre for a good few years and reckon you will be hard pushed to find a better dog vet in the midlands
  7. You definitely got a way with your keeps minkenry.Like the blind stay.nice to see other folks videos of there training methods
  8. Just been and put my x in the out box
  9. If you get any interest fella count me in, I am all for saving a few bob as long as its decent fodder
  10. 8 month old and a f***ing pain in the arse
  11. I had a pup sired from Magpies dog Gallant reverse 3/4 beardy /grey I think over a line bred beardy/Picardy/grey . He turned out a cracking dog. If they bred this line again I would have one in a heart beat. Best of luck with your search
  12. Like me dogs to think for themselves he is a intelligent dog and got a cracking nose on him.Reckon he with be about 30/35 kilo fighting fit
  13. He is shaping up very similar to my last Picardy blooded dog and showing a lot of the traits he had.He is a very confident pup meets and greats other dog well but you can already see he is not going to take no shite.Reckon he will make a good guard dog as well.He,s had a couple of easy rabbits and few rats and looks like his strike is going to be ok.He a bight lad but looks like he is going to be a full on type.He as got the tools just got to wait and see how he users them
  14. Got no photos of the litter that are worth posting boyo.My pup was the only one that looked more Picardy blooded than the rest most were smooth or broken coated size and shape wise they were pretty consistent.Tell the truth I was looking for a half cross Picardy grey as the last Picardy blooded dog I had was a cracker.If this one is half as good as him I will be happy. So far I have no complaints with this pup time will tell eh
  15. I got some photos somewhere when I come across them I will send you them fella
  16. He is Picardy Shepard x Grey over a Bovier des flander x Grey. He got some good boots on him and thick skin and a good coat so he should take a few knocks
  17. The young fella is nearly 8 month old now and coming on well.He got good prey drive a cracking nose on him and a fair turn of speed for his age and a pleasure to have around . He is 27 tts and may go another inch or so He is showing a little bit of what is to come and i am well pleased with him so far.He is a bit of a gamble with his breeding but i reckon he is going to make me a good hunting companion.
  18. I have been telling every one how well my pup is coming on and how biddable he is ,should of kept me mouth shut the little shit is going through the feck you stage and cocking a deaf one. Don't think he has a problem hearing me with these lugs
  19. I had a wonder around on Sunday took my young dog fist time he seen as many dogs and folk in one place.Don't go to many shows but enjoyed my couple of hours walking round did my pup good to
  20. The pup and my grandson are the same age give a day or two.The dog is a world wind and a bit full on but around the lad he is as soft as a brush.Strange how they kin with different folk eh
  21. I got the decoder and One years subscript for £200 and £100 a year there after had it nearly 3 years now with no problems.it only uses your internet as a descrambler and not streaming.mine works fine on a couple of meg.plug it in to your sky dish and your router and away you go.The fella I use is a sound guy and give a good backup if needed be carful were you buy from some are shite and go off after a while
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