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the pikey poacher

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Everything posted by the pikey poacher

  1. my red and white 3/4 bred in the pic on the left used to take all quarry day or night i had 3 charlies in 20 mins on the lamp with him 1 night im getting a pure bred bitch got to fetch her wednesday ill put some pics up when i get her and shewill be worked like a lurcher
  2. well done bird went out myself sat morn but not as much luck as you nice looking dog that
  3. no selling for "mates" please look at the sales forum rules
  4. thank you all very much for all your help any more suggestions please
  5. could of drunk some water that had a bit of anti freeze in it mate that had leaked from a veicle this happened to me a few years back dog started fitting took him straight to the vet but he died the next day
  6. scroll down dont know what has happened but writting has ended up at the bottom of the page has anyone ever had a dog injured by black thorn my lurcher got spiked in the front leg today and his leg has swollen up to 3 times its size ive washed it and checked for thorns and there is none stuck in him ive stood him in cold water to try and get the swelling down and even gave him some anti inflametery tablets and nothing please help or should i just spend a fortune at the vets
  7. Here is your chance to own one of the best bred spaniels about. She has 30 field trial champions in her pedigree, including many of the famous Rytex and badger-court dogs.She also has Laganmill breeding in her pedigree. Her pedigree also includes the famous field trial champion - Courtman Lane, FT CH IR FT CH Phillips Girl (ikc), plus Irish field trial champion IR FT CH Millshadow Aster (ikc). Bramble is a 4yr old black & white Bitch that works with the gun, she also has been used for beating, picking up and rough shooting. She will retrieve fur and feather from land and water. She has al
  8. yes mate still got him cause car has been off the road so could not keep to my word and take people out with him to show them him run but its fixed now so we are good to go
  9. no sorry but if you click on the picture its not so blerd
  10. he is 25 tts mate only had him on long ears and rabbits wont take charlie he is a good doghe has excellent recall for his breed as soon as the lamp is off he comes straight back killed a lot of stuff with him and he is bred from gary dickensons draks way down the lines
  11. hello, all my dogs have gone now thank you for all your interest and to the people who had them
  12. hey up mate sorry to hear your down on your luck is the bich still for sale cheers hi mate don't know if you have already phoned about the bitch, i'm just replying for him as he still has no access to internet, his number is 07549587208, cheers
  13. she is the tiny rough haired one in the picture, she is the liveliest of the bunch still got her please call me for any more information, thanks Panda the deerhound cross and Peg the wheaten cross have now found fantastic new homes, couldn't of asked for nicer people to have them, still got 4 jack russels and the black and white whippet cross, many thanks to the lads that had my dogs
  14. she is the tiny rough haired one in the picture, she is the liveliest of the bunch still got her please call me for any more information, thanks
  15. hi mate give me a ring on 07549587208 an will let you know which ones i got left thanks
  16. nobody wants to buy any good dogs then especially this time of year?
  17. no one wants to buy any good dogs this time of year then?
  18. the lad gone home now so any questions he said just ring him thanks
  19. how talls the wheaton cross 25/26 mate big lump of a bitch but is a speed machine and can turn on a tanner surprisingly
  20. i got lots of dogs for sale mate little whipet cross is an exellant bitch take a look under the p***y poacher ad
  21. roughly 21 inches or just under and she hasn't got any injuries yet but the way she goes through bracken and hedges she probably end up with a few
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