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the pikey poacher

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Everything posted by the pikey poacher

  1. you must know your stuff tiny had 3 well known coursing men round to see pups and all said the big brindle dog is a cracker but like you say mate they change so much week by week thanks mate atb pp
  2. why aint you telling the lads the breeding of them mate lol
  3. sire is out of silver x shogun full breeding on page 1 mate atb pp
  4. paddy getting the hang of retriving now really good for a pure bred 1 shot 1 retrived well pleased
  5. pic of mouse before she decided to take the hare into the pups to share it with them lol
  6. my son likes the lighest dog and im torn between the black bitch and the cream bitch the brindle bitch is the best shape i think really long pup but dont like brindles but thats just me think the brindles are a throw back to coufields joe which is grand sire to these pups thanks pp
  7. thanks lofty 10 times better with coat on what a beauty hope they make real uns for you mate
  8. lovely pups and lovely sire and dam shame if there not lucky bred but still might turn out decent dogs rain could of been misinformed when he got the bitch too many people say coursing dogs got lucky in there lines to sell them as a lot like his style and will buy trusted proven lines atb with them rain lovely litter and good on you for getting her down to the vets when she got into bother atb pp
  9. had dogs now for 30 years plus and only had 2 that done real long courses the bitch i got now what wont open her mouth and bite anything ran a hare for just over 6 mins before jumping down a rabbit hole and a dog i had off c.n a good few years back ran 1 for 10 mins and 26 seconds before it got into the bales both good long class courses and both times the hare got away good breeding stuff i say lol
  10. first year i went 1997 started my own club for 1998 but never entered a dog as was not up to the grade them dogs were would of made myself look like a fool some great dogs and great company very knowlageable men the old boys that was in the forley back in them days atb pp
  11. welcome aboard mate what x you got or is it a pure bred atb pp
  12. and these are mouse's pups the brindles must be a throw back to joe
  13. and these are mouse's pups the brindles must be a throw back to joe
  14. here is a pic of my bitch mouse lucky was her father and joe her grandfather
  15. nice pups in good nic but hate dogs shaved out post some pics when hair comes back on them mate bet they smart as fook then atb pp
  16. lovely pups and if you find a field full of ganja you would never be found with that jumper on lol
  17. dick head 6 posts and you put peddler well you aint getting 1 and cant see you lasting very long on here
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