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the pikey poacher

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Everything posted by the pikey poacher

  1. Bred by myself and Articgun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-SE0PriigQ
  2. hahaha they worth a few night without sleep lol
  3. how can 1 dog tare an animal limb from limb and it also says in the comments packs of dogs wtf where do these divs get there ideas from fooking do gooders and what a total waste of money it costs 2 grand to take a helicoppter up lads only get a 200 pound fine fooking dicks
  4. just collected my 3 they beauty's but boy do they know how to howl the 1 that was my favorite is my least favorite now 2 red bitches were quite blue and white bitch sung for over 100 mile lol they do say singing saluki's and boy dont i know it might change her name to beyoncee lol im over the moon with them they fine pups and can tell that rich has done his best with these pups they are in fabulous condition a real credit to you mate cant thankyou enough thanks so much mate atb pp
  5. is this a joke if you daint take to her why not just find her a decent home where she would of been loved
  6. fook it then i give up his loss at the end of the day
  7. think bully pulled out cause of injury
  8. should be good uns these boys well done rich mate you done them proud they a credit to you and your missus the rest is up to there new owners cant wait to get mine
  9. someone must know him he been on here for a while now
  10. hi lads i know this is the lurcher section but some lads who keep lurchers also keep terriers a real good friend of mine has lost his chocolate patterdale bitch she bin gone 3 days now she is smooth coated and was lost in the staffordshire/cannock area he dont know weather she been picked up or gone to ground down a rabbit hole there is a £500 reward for this bitch no questions asked just wants his daughters dog back as she is broken hearted many thanks pp
  11. anyone on here got a phone number for this fella been chatting to him for a while but he has vanished not replied to any of my pm's if anyone knows him and does not want to pass his number on please tell him im trying to get in touch many thanks pp
  12. ill get some took of mine this weekend and post them up atb pp
  13. i love this dog and that 3rd pic down ought to be in a darcy book what a fine looking animal what lines is he out of atb pp
  14. fook me was looking forward to reading that was up to page 7 and thought fook celebrity jungle ill read about mr brick when i get back from boxing and its gone what a bummer wanted to know if he turned up and who he was can anyone fill me in
  15. think desertbred hit the nail on the head khans breeding had a lot of tried and tested dogs in his line and some decent dogs running out of him pures and x breeds atb pp
  16. this is a topic about saluki's not x breds mate had a few to drink i take it lol
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