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the pikey poacher

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Everything posted by the pikey poacher

  1. no mate runner up my own fault paddy too fat wont make the same mistake again thought id build him up too run the wet heavy ground big mistake still learning bitch that won is a cracking bitch very good round cover but not as fast as paddy but she won on the day so that's that he wont be beat this year he just turned 3 now and know what weight to run him at it takes time to work out your what suits your dog and what does not
  2. they so well behaved cause of the collie in doris :tongue2:only messing mate they 2 crackers
  3. is it the black feathered bitch that is in pup to lucas the irish bitch running in England ?????????????
  4. Pic of Flyn Gaskins prince x asha
  5. Pic of my dog Lightning tramp x princess
  6. where has this topic gone some great pics on there ???????????????????
  7. will do mate took some cracking pics today but have to wait for my son in law to come round to upload them im useless lol
  8. the pic that captain put up mate he is a cracker
  9. get it up mate be nice to see is he black an tan ?????????????
  10. you got anything better mate ive said before ill run any dog England Ireland Scotland wales paddy is the best pure about
  11. never herd of diamond mate whats that out of you know your stuff mate
  12. the rough pup you got mate is not bull wheaten grey x saluki mate you nearly there though lol its pure saluki dog x pure wheaten x bull greyhound bitch should have some high prey drive these lot atb pp
  13. ill get some pics up of my 2 gaskin bred dogs tomorrow mate atb pp
  14. she is my best mate lol comes to work with me and retrives everthing to me should of named her peggy as she collects the missuses pegs of the lawn and brings them all to me lol she is as fat as a Labrador and shines like a glass bottle filling out nice but not very tall but I aint bothered I love her lol ill get some new pics of her tomorrow atb pp
  15. runs very well not got the best of mouths killed a few but getting better on each outing likes to run em lol lad I got him off had only took him twice once at 9 months and once at 11 months then kept him as a pet till I got him at 22 months should make a very decent dog this season atb pp do you know what prince was out of ???????????
  16. jesus mate he making some size my dot don't look that tall have you any pics of young paddy
  17. he throws some fine pups does my paddy got another bitch coming to him on Wednesday and another as soon as she breaks there will be paddy pups everywhere soon lol
  18. I got the dog off diesel now got him back end of the season killed a few for me he got class style and goes through hedges like a train he is a good dog ive also got a dog out of gaskins prince to brookies asha the pure that is mother to mars how was prince bred ???????????
  19. was wondering the same is leg ok I own paddy and I had a dog pup back out this litter ill get his messurements and a few new pics up tomorrow atb pp paddy is the dog in my avatar and the best saluki in the country
  20. glad he changed his mind and got his problems sorted he kept lucky im so pleased would of been a crying shame to see him rehomed well done mate you wont be sorry belive me atb pp
  21. be nice to see merle did you have a rough or smooth 1 mate my grandsons rough dog is some size now he is the most laid back lurcher pup ive ever come across whats yours like temprement wise atb pp
  22. some nosey fuckers about lol are you her stalker mate
  23. no brains will eat ya ferret forget the bull mate
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