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Everything posted by leo1

  1. Get a few wires running should have it no time
  2. Can ye order the milbemex online, without a prescription ?
  3. Edited to say= reply to rat face Aye he's a bit leggy but doesn't have a problem going to ground,maybe struggle in one or two spots a do but be fine in the rest lol
  4. Who regi? No he still doing a bit but not half as much he's earned his keep lol hopefully this black be his replacement lol
  5. Hope so myself mate time will tell
  6. Just an update on the pup mate. Took a chance and picked this up from Yorkshire last year he's around 13 month now and not put a foot wrong, this coming winter will be the test but been showing good signs
  7. My missus is a bit like that, cleans dogs up at funny o'clock and make a cuppa at anytime She's expecting again so il need to start doin my bit
  8. Drop dog, make a cig, open it up and get digging lol
  9. The dates for faifley are in game fairs and events, it never run last year but is a decent show . The other dates you would get on that Facebook a don't bother with that so don't know them
  10. Faifley in July and there's another up stoneyburn area in July aswell.there will be another couple later on aswell like the kelvin valley usually have 2 shows and I think the boys from west coast working dogs are going to try and have another
  11. Just put a Fenn in a tunnel along the outside of the coops. Shouldn't need to use an egg but a couple of loose feathers scattered about will do the job
  12. leo1


    There's not many about but they are there , they will cover some ground. Not all keepers are as pro active as you think lol my uncle had the scope on summit and said it was cat like but couldn't really make it out for sure. This was in the same area where the fishery was within a mile anyway. It was halfway up in the fork of a dead tree. Funnyily enough there was a lot of felling getting done at the time
  13. leo1


    There's definitely big cats about in Scotland. My mates mother was picking us up at a fishery good few years ago now and in arrival she was as white as a ghost and she said she had just seen a big cat in the road. She said it was about the size of a Labrador.
  14. I use the rechargeable collar with the pieps box and its spot on
  15. Poison would be no good, there would be some smell in a week or two lol
  16. Cubs be a fair size and there be plenty scent if there playing above ground
  17. Lol aye there's a lot o pros on here haha The red dog in my avatar was started at 8 month he 5 now and still doing the job, the black dog just turned a year and has 2 under his belt and started at 8 month aswell. Everybody does things different the hard bit is putting stuff in front of them
  18. Would of been better collaring him up and giving him a go
  19. Surely a local keeper could make use of it for dogging in etc
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