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Everything posted by AssassinDog

  1. Im looking for a good racey type bull x to breed with my bitch, ive been talking to a few guys at gamefairs who have been to wales and 1 in particular who has been out working with these dogs has shown me some pics on his mobile of what these dogs can do and I was very impressed! So basically im just trying to find out if anyone knows of these dogs or their owner to see if he would let 1 of them breed with my bitch
  2. Yes I appreciate that, I know its the south wales area he is a valley boy ive been told and the dog has got a weird name! I cant remember the name of the dog but it was a welshy sort of name but being from wales I would expect that the dogs name would be welsh! Im seeing my mate who would like to have a pup off my dog tomorrow to see if he can remember the name of the dog or the owner perhaps that will shed a bit of light on the subject!
  3. Does anybody know of a welsh lad with 2 bull xs which are brothers they are racey looking and are supposed to be like the new generation of pie! thanks tim
  4. Ok thanks for that lads much appreciated
  5. Ive got a collie x greyhound x bedlington bitch she is 4 years old I have never bred her before and was thinking of doing so! She is due in season anytime how many days into season do you introduce the stud dog? Any comments much appreciated thanks
  6. Nice one. I Got 2 dog foxes on sunday down by the river but no pix sorry.
  7. i was thinking the same thing it was only a few weeks back my jack rusell was tring to kill one
  8. HELLO ALL just poping in to say hi
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