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Ferret Breeder

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Everything posted by Ferret Breeder

  1. Wow! Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I've started to get to know some of you already and think this is a wonderful site with some really fabulous people as members. All the best Ann
  2. Hi Everyone, It's great to see all these active posts, this really is a hot topic! I thought it would be helpful to summarise the 'SHIIIISSH' method taking into account everything that people have said and amend accordingly. The gist would be: *Preferably use on kits (not deaf ones!) *When it is dangling from your finger (assuming it is not being supported by your other hand at this point) should you 'Shish' it and it lets go it will fall downwards, not up towards your face, so your noses should be safe! Keeping in mind we don't want to hurt the little critter through
  3. Agreed so yes, so lets combine these thoughts. Holding it, but at the same time gently pulling in the opposite direction to your face make a sharp SHIIISSHH noise. Holding little tinker means it therefore doesn't just plummet to the ground when it lets go. Sods law is that they then bend round and re-attatch to the hand you are holding them in. lol. This is quite likely if as you say if it is a bit miffed, which it may well be for biting in the first place. Scruff of neck perhaps? Good luck to all those who have the unfornunate experience that of one similar to Richard Whitely
  4. I knew someone was going to say that and it is a valid initial reaction...however... Looking at this locically the little critter has to let go of your finger first at which point it falls due to gravity. When it is dangling from your finger it is a physical impossibility that it can then somehow levitate to then re-attach onto your face so I understand your concerns but I've yet to meet a floating ferret. Hope that helps. Best wishes Ann
  5. Hey Storm Chaser thanks for such a quick and warm welcome! :-)
  6. Bring the ferret close to your mouth and make a loud sharp TISSSSSHHHH or CHISSSSH noise in its face. The type of noise that they make at each other when annoyed so they know to back off. I find it works very well if you start when they are young and just playing, as soon as they go to latch on even when playing, make the 'tish' noise. Keep repeating. It doesn't take long. The only time it deffinately doesn't work is if you have a deaf ferret!! Try it, it might work.
  7. Hello I am Ann from Lincolnshire. I breed albino ferrets. My better half is a game keeper. I've not had chance to get to know anyone yet so thought it would be nice to say hello. Kind regards and best wishes to all. Ann
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