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Everything posted by buster100

  1. she gamey out but still young will make a good dog mate atb
  2. heres a pic of my brothers wheaton hound 9mts old what do ye think he has no intrest in her now so wants to part with her she is only after geting a fue rabits atb buster
  3. Taking fox with lurchers isn't illegal in Eire. and lets hope it stays that way mate :boogy:
  4. we have come across a fue vixens that were heavy in cub so no point in keep going as were only killing next years game atb
  5. we be out next week our last hunt for this year atb
  6. they will do it 48 hours after the dogs mate but the jab keeps the bitch in season a bit longer atb
  7. im sure you have to wait 48 hours before she gets the jab from the vet atb buster100
  8. out bushing today but all we got was the 1 fox witch the lurcher cot on the run after he bolted from the cover all i got was 1 pic
  9. Well seen as ye havent run red's and ye only have fallow to run the dog's in the picture actualy dont do the same thing as your dog's and the dog's in the picture are dead mate my dogs would have no bother taking red if we could get them and the reds in the picture arent even big ye boys gets carried away with yere dogs atb
  10. Aye. . . . . .cos i'm sure you know EXACTLY what dogs those are and what they did. Aye. . . . . .cos i'm sure you know EXACTLdogs Y what dogs those are and what they did. does it matter what those dogs did our what they have done there is always better dogs out there why blow your trumpet over these dogs atb
  11. lads whats so good abouy these dogs anway they do the same thing as mine what twats
  12. The way i see it.. i may be wrong but you seem to keep putting sly dig's in to wind folk up..it might not be intentional but the dig's are there all the same. Your wrong. The way I see it is you know the minshaw lads an I have not seen eye to eye in the past an you have just got a pup off them so You feel you have to defend for them. An now you automatically think you know me because what they have said about me. Now wind your neck in an let the thread go. just asking lads what so good about the minshaw lads
  13. so if you had a pure coursing dog that took hares for fun,,,, but wouldnt touch deer or fox,,,, you would not think it worth breeding from??? Are pure coursing dogs not usually saluki greyhounds not lurchers? have a look at a grayhound and have a look at a coursing hound some difrence in size and waight greyhound for short busts coursing hound for stamina atb
  14. whats so good 2 dogs 2 bambi iv a 5/8 3/8 that would do it by herself and she only 25tts nice fpicture do atb reds? we only get all fallow mate atb
  15. all dogs get it mate its just the dope that had the dog is a right fool atb
  16. Probably because him and everyone else involved are sick of listening to the shite that get's spouted about Minshaw..FFS the origional stuff and the presant stuff are doing the buisness so where is the problem in that..i for certain can't see a negative side to the dog's pot filling abilities..so why all these skitty argumentetive remarks's SHanded when you see a Minshaw related thread.. your right mate iv 2 dogs here that have no problem taking bambi and the biger the stag the better atb
  17. whats so good 2 dogs 2 bambi iv a 5/8 3/8 that would do it by herself and she only 25tts nice fpicture do atb
  18. mine are fed the morn before i go lamping and its what they always get chicken raw and beef raw feed a small bit when i get back from lamping atb buster
  19. i have the dog here in my yard mate atb
  20. pa your in box is full ? james 250 for the dog mate but there is ment to be a lad call tonight to have a look at him top hat pm sent mate atb buster100
  21. well the dog is here if anyone wants a trail off him taking all big game
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