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Everything posted by jamesh1822

  1. Cheers guys i know not to push the dogs to young and I have just been out letting the pups do what pups do having fun just getting a taste of it. I t just frustrating seeing all of those rabbits do the off and knowing my dogs, they love it I have been training them with a fishing rod and a immitation rabbitt with an old rabbitt skin to get them used to the sent and the chase and they are finding this great fun. I just thought that the natural proggresion would be the real thing. Some one metioned not to let the whippet run at the rabbits because she will yap so what do you suggest when sho
  2. This is my first time working/running dogs i have been out with my pups walking, i've got 2 paterjacks and 1 whippet suluki x whippet grey cracking dogs. The patterjacks are 4 1/2 months and the whippet is 5 months they are working well togeather the patterjacks have been working the ditches flushing for the whippet the only thing is that its not giving the whippet enogh time to run onto the rabbits before they bolt down a hole the whippet is on it though and the patterjacks tell me what hole the rabbit is in, just need to take the ferrets next time to get the pesky rabbit. Now the trouble
  3. Hello mate do you still have the pup for sale i would be interested in seeing her
  4. Some good ideas I do hope that this will never happen I hope that as most people have commented the more you handle them the better they should become but at least I will be a little bit more prepared if one does decide to latch on to see what I taste like. thanks every one for there great comments .
  5. Thanks for the reasurance I think i am making good progress with them they only play nip as you say and they let go as soon as I his. Cheers
  6. I was just wondering the best method of getting a ferret to let go once it is latched on. I have 2 young hobs at the moment and they are always handled and going to be good workers they only give a playful nip when playing about and get a little to excited. But obiously one day there will be a time when they might not want to let go. I ve heard scruffing them will make them let go it said to relax them is this correct. Any other ideas ideas
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