the three i got now are soft as shit they just play like mad in the avairy i can put my hand in they just go nuts jumping about making that cackling sound lmfao
every time i picked him up he went right to my face to lick it , did it from a kit , he is the only ferret i have never had a bite from , right from the day i had him
best way to have em is soft like that
towards the beginning of last season i acquired an albino hob my uncle had found straying around the steel works were he works luckily he managed to catch the blighter which had been seen around the site for the last three months, when he dropped it of i gave the little fella the once over and found he was full of fleas and had a few tics but nothing a good bath in insecticidal shampoo couldn't sort, i also noticed its jaw was really badly twisted with his canine sticking out this gave him the name of flick tooth couple of weeks later i took him out and he's gone from strength to strength ever
not amused with ferreting buddy got all my gear together looking forward to a day out dusted of the nets tested the locator just for him to have a hissy fit and refuse to travel to a good bit of permission because its to far makes me laugh lives 20 mins away so insted he expects me to travel up to his useless bit of permission with jack shit on it lol so looks like ill be going it alone tomorrow ah well hopefully get a couple of connies for the pot