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Everything posted by lilpip1234

  1. longest i used one of mine was till 8 then had to retire him gave a fair bit of blood for the cause
  2. well in mate keep up the good work, atb
  3. aslong as theres a good range on the beam i dont see any problem, but if your finding the wide spread a real problem then id go for a clulite
  4. seen one or two there alright do the job in my opinion put a first cross bull greyhound over it haha buh deerhounds are alright
  5. nice bag that mate tidy dog cant wait for the moon to go down get my bull x's out
  6. f*****g do my head in pricks like that hope you get them back and give the low life scum a good shoeing
  7. check the for sale section or ad trader things like that
  8. ferret a local patch this morning all i got was mixy
  9. hey guys does anyone out there have any trap blueprints for rats and or mice
  10. my mates got a late liter theres 3 left £5 each sandy hob and mitten jills
  11. theres quite a few on a local waste land so im gunna take a look there soon to get my young silver hob going properly anyones more than welcome to come along
  12. what i did was build artificial bury and drop rabbit or two in there learnt the signs then and just get them out ferreting more dog'll pick it up hopefully as it goes along
  13. they are so much easier to spot buh thats the problem everyone nails them
  14. went out for a quick look this morning took two of my hobs out only tried three small burries dropped the old white hob in first bolted three 2 caught in the nets and one tried escaping from hole i'd missed buh the lurcher scooped him up quick, ferret showed and i made the short walk to the second burry the dog gave a mark so in popped my polecat hob and out popped the fourth rabbit of the morning unfortunately it was full of mixi so left him in the bushes for mr fox, having worked both ferrets i was quiet pleased and decided to call it a day but only after stopping at a seven holer which i te
  15. ive got the exact same set up and yea the beam is the main problem
  16. about a year ago i bagged what looked like a wild white rabbit so i guess it was either albino or pets been breeding buh never seen any after that a few light grey
  17. yea agree with the above 2many people round my end trying to f**k each other over, good when u can make new contacts and buddies
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