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Everything posted by lilpip1234

  1. if i see they've recoverd or are recovering ill leave them as they pass on immunity, but if they're real bad just finish them off quickly
  2. cracker that hope he comes on well for you
  3. well in mate looks like cracking staffy russell in the box
  4. thats the best way to have em
  5. collie greyhound for a first lurcher everytime
  6. Seen some ignorant remarks on here but that takes the biscuit, collie crosses deerhound crosses and beddy crosses were doing the buisness long before the (amazing bull shit crosses) yea they have been doing the job but you cannot denie that many bull x's are just as good so if you think they're bullshit then im sorry mate but thats all your talking in my opinion
  7. get the boys together take him on a dig and put the b*****d at the bottom and remember to back fill well
  8. yea my old man was is rather handy with shovel in hand
  9. well in lads cant wait to get my ultra
  10. first time longnetting tonight just wondering if there was any last minute tips anyone had or is it a case of trial and error
  11. lurcher.. will be used for rabbits always had an interest... mite be getting onee soon tho you'll be after a beddy whippet or something small along those lines then, although i highly recommend a collie greyhound as their quite easy to train,
  12. ori mate what you looking to get?
  13. nice dogs mate hope they'll work as good as they look
  14. yes bull101 i can see were your coming from there are alot of people who are breeding them just for the money and the so called fear factor, but there are also people that do it with many other crosses in my area i know a guy whos first cross deerhound is useless on the lamp and in the day and selling pups of it for 250 as 100% working stock so these time waster dont just apply to bullys
  15. mate i disagree with you completely ive owned many crosses and the two first cross bull greyhounds i have now are by far the best all rounders ive owned. and if u still feel as though u need a go at bullys ill more than gladly take u out with them
  16. f*****g hell that is a bit steep i use either my hand, that long black plastic one or a cass creek all have worked well for me mate and no were near 400 most expensive is 40 lol
  17. off for a shine on some local permission tonight weather looked like it was gunna be perfect earlier light drizzle and fair bit of wind typical just went out back to sort lamp and that out and not one cloud in the sky and not even the slightest bit of wind lol.
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