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Posts posted by goldfinger

  1. When charging my BSA Ultra with the webley ultra glide stirrup pump,after on a short time it gets impossible to pull the stirrup pump up stroke,it seems like there is a vacuum trying to stop me from pulling the up stroke,has anyone got any ideas how to fix this problem.

    Please reply in technical help section.

  2. When charging my BSA Ultra with the webley ultra glide stirrup pump,after on a short time it gets impossible to pull the stirrup pump up stroke,it seems like there is a vacuum trying to stop me from pulling the up stroke,has anyone got any ideas how to fix this problem.

    Please reply in technical help section.

  3. Yes thanks to tyhe grate advise off here i now have a Biakal 410 Hushpower. It is fully chocked and with 2 1/2inch carts sounds like a crack from a spring piston air rifle. Im very impresed. :thumbs:

    You won't regret buying it,it,s a great stealth gun,great were noise issues might be a problem,with me it has opened up extra land were I could not shoot because of noise issues.

  4. I did some pattern testing today at 30mtrs, no6 shot 3ins shell,I was very impressed with the pattern produced more than enough for rabbit ect at this range,also tried some 2.5ins shells at same range no6,not as good a pattern as the 3ins but I think for rabbit just about do-able that being the 2.5s max range.

    What impressed me was the noise levels,the 2.5 shell was wisper quite and the 3ins a bit nosier.

    Although I have just purchased the Biakal 410 Hushpower synthetic shock and I am new to this gauge I am very impressed the gun, it fits and feels well balanced, construction is good robust and seems to biult to last.

    Now just got to find my ideal cartriges for noise levels and hitting power.A very happy 410 gauge owner and I can well understand way poeple don't like parting with this particular model.

  5. New legislation has been introduced by the Government which will make it an offence to fail to properly secure airguns in order to prevent them falling into the hands of children.

    From 10th February 2011, owners will be liable for a fine of up to £1,000 if they do not take reasonable precautions to stop unauthorised access to their airgun by people under 18.

  6. 4oz is best for holding,6oz is a bit easer to handle and will cope with most situations (a good alrounder).I do also use a 10oz but only on brambles and you have to put up with occational bounce off.



    In the nicest possible way that has to be the understatment of the year. :whistling:

    In the nicest possible way, if it works use it.

  7. 4oz is best for holding,6oz is a bit easer to handle and will cope with most situations (a good alrounder).I do also use a 10oz but only on brambles and you have to put up with occational bounce off.

  8. i am looking to make a quick set long net as the pinned topic shows, i have found a place i can order the materials from but which is best 4z or 6z?. does 6z tangle less but could rabbits bounce off it? thank you for any advise.

    I use a 10oz net were there are brambles with a lot of success ,the lighter nets tend to gather a lot of debre,use the lighter nets on cleaner ground.

  9. My personal choice,I find that shorter barrels (say 26")are better for hide and roost shooting also bolting rabbit,28" a good all rounder,30/32" barrels you will find are a bit slower to pick fast moving targets at close range but good to use on high targets.

    Remember that longer barrel length don't mean longer distance,choke choice and the ability of the shooter determines that,a good general choke set up for pigeon is 1/4-1/2,at the end mate yes listen to what experienced shooters have to say but when you pick up and put to your shoulder the gun you are looking to buy if it dos,nt feel right or is uncomfortable to handle when you site up don't buy it,choosing a gun is a personal thing not all guns suite all people,good luck.

  10. who ended up with jester? at the time im sure a certain bloke from ollerton who goes by the name of stocko paid good money for him as he turned up when i picked a pup up out of jester what unfortunatly died id like to know somemore about a dog called grip aswell as i have two dogs out of his line and one red bitch,he was the same way bred as keith.

    stocko bought a red dog for a lot of money (cant think of its name) it was dug out dead on a dig at holmfirth area , thats the dog you may of seen him buy ,not jester ,



    this red dog was grip i know the original owner, i got mixed up with jester and jasper.(rocko)

  11. Try changing the batteries that came with the collar, because they're crap ;)

    Yes tried new batteries in shop,shop says it was a faulty collar,all sorted now got a new replacement,just thought I'd post to see if other owners had any similar probs.

  12. I just purchased a Deben mk3m and two (ferret)collars,after a short while one of the collars started having problems switching on/off,yes I went through all the possible reasons with no luck so I decided to return it to the store for a refund, on talking to the assistant he told me that the previous wk he had another Deben collar (terrier)returned with same problem,has anyone else had the any problems with these collars.

  13. Looking to purchase a new long net,what would be the best mesh size 4" or 2".


    I think you have got that wrong

    I have never heard of anybody with a 2ins mesh longnet 4ins yes but not 2ins unless somebody knows different

    I use a 2.25ins mesh board to tie thus I end up with a 4.5ins mesh

    I think the 2ins is a half mesh



    Cheers sam007 for clearing up my confusion.

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