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About heritage

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. I think it's superb but that's just my own biased opinion ,.... As above , there are segments available to see for free on you tube as well as a dedicated trailer... If you want to know if it's good then there's only one way to find out........
  2. Just thought I'd take the opportunity to say that Simon whiteheads most recent DVD is now available to purchase. Links can be found throughout this forum along with its YouTube trailer. It can also be purchased through his own website and a second dedicated to online sales.
  3. Here's a short trailer for Simon's Forthcoming DVD . https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2pH2-43xp5A&feature=share
  4. Excuse my ignorance,.... ( I'm not a pestie ) Is that really something that's classed as hazardous waste ? Such a small and insignificant little container.... Whatever happened to the practice of leaving them as a marker or venting / burying on site ? Atb.
  5. I think it's better to have the truck kitted out in some way, especially if your going out regularly. It's better knowing the animals & kit are safe and sound and helps to keep everything organised. Commercial set-ups such as game hawker & lint ran can be very costly , there not always that good either... The next option is to approach a metalworker / carpenter with a design & have something made. This is a good way to get exactly what you need and saves 50% off the cost of the above. Finally is the good old DIY , not always fantastic to look at ( dependant on skill ) but prac
  6. The blades a nice motor socks,.... A little too high spec ( and expensive ) for my tastes though, I looked at one recently along with a huntsman..... The dealer prices are extortionate and I think with your truck being so new and you'll struggle to find a used / second hand top.. I think your best best is to look into some of these specialist 4x4 groups on Facebook....or even the top end breakers yards... There were a few types of canopy available for your motor, truckman / Arb ect..... Another alternative is to check what other manufacturers Canopus may fit... Toyota / Mitsubishi ?
  7. I use a game bag mostly but I do have a harness for when the terrain / situation allows. I didn't buy my harness off torchie but I did use his design as a template to get my own made, I tweaked the design a little & added a knife pouch..... I couldn't be happier with it,. I think they are fantastic pieces of kit and I do believe they will become popular but as I said before, I think there use boils down to personal preference.
  8. Those over trousers are the sealand ones, I bought them as an alternative to the heavy Barbour wax ones..... They have a thin lining so there not too warm and the best I can say as yet is that there showerproof.... I don't generally wear over trousers when walking a lot but on this particular day I put them in my bag as heavy rain was forecast .
  9. But your comparing your own preferences to torchie's and using that to crab on his way of working....what you have to bear in mind is torchie doesn't have 2 dogs, he relies on nets and so come up with a system that suits his needs... He is much older than both of us and carrying any excessive weight can be a chore ( as you know ). If you prefer bags then that's fine but your calling something you've never tried,...... Torchie is a good ferreter , and if your still working the dales in another 25 years I'm sure you would be a little more understanding of the need to find something that "work
  10. And for those that haven't seen them, here's torchie wearing his harness whilst on the dales.
  11. Here's mick dadd's offering,........ Perfectly adequate for those that like this method of working.
  12. Harnesse's may not suit everyone, that I agree on but how can it be "a load of twaddle",... What your looking at it 1 mans soloution to a problem he had & its served him well for many years..... As for the brambles, nets & barbed wire, torchie has spent decades ferreting on the dales so that isn't a problem he need be concerned about. If you watch the films or if you ever get to go ferreting with torchie you'll appreciate just how efficient a harness is in the right situation others have and have decided to try one themselves , nothing wrong in that..... It's not adding any more gear
  13. I do have / wear a harness but I didn't get one off torchie, I had a leather one made for me some time ago. I'm not exactly sure how much he charges for his as I've never asked,...... I'll enquire about the price & pm you.
  14. Here's a second colour option,...... Black harness / white bags.
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