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the monkey

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Everything posted by the monkey

  1. great pics ,smart looking dog get some vids up I,d like to see them I,ve aways fancied one of these myself
  2. this exactly what will happen, mine did this but wouldn't run in on shoot days
  3. just a pup thing...it will grow out of it
  4. rabbits are on the endangered list near me they are that scarce
  5. Ford escort estate God that car cost me money Brakes failed twice .........braked and the pedal straight to the floor Traded it in ,couldn't sell it privately .......pity the poor sod that ended up with it
  6. I,ve seen Darcy DVD as Mackem said it's edited tight There's plenty of catches ,loads of other stuff ,rat snaring,moles,rabbits it's not just squirrels Sounds a bit up and down but he says it's his first attempt. Learnt a lot from the rat snaring section
  7. ham cooked in coke 8 hrs take out of the coke coat in honey and mustard and put in a hot oven for 20 minutes it is unbelievable
  8. I,d just keep running her with the other dog maybe she will pick up that hunting is fun from the other dog
  9. I bought one of simple shot and got charged for duty about 10% of the total
  10. I have loved this thread , I now nothing about hawks but learnt a lot and loved it all ..very sad loss
  11. As said great for sat on a seat or on the quad but do any exercise and it's boil in the bag time
  12. I live in Manchester but travel to Kendal about every fortnight if you need help with transport
  13. I,ll have one , let me know how you want paying
  14. Ring the vet that's on the docking certificate
  15. Have had three different 20 s out of the bridge water, many years
  16. That's a sea bass,bet it tasted nice
  17. Gordon buchanen or lolo Williams lolo has a bit of passion about the countryside
  18. Just checked my records at 16 weeks she weighed 30lb 18 inches to the shoulder
  19. shes two year old now,she about 1/8 bull ,the rest sal/grey....24 inches
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