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the monkey

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Everything posted by the monkey

  1. You aren't a novice That first pic really good,
  2. shot my mates last week and have ordered one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/322571390897
  3. I have the Howard Leights and can highly recommend them
  4. Interesting topic I,ve seen gazs dog work,it's a decent dog......I,d have it at my house What to put it too is the question .....it's pretty much the full package as it is for a busher To a spaniel I cross if you wanted more of a shooting dog or hound cross for bigger land
  5. i run a gardening business cheque or ,bank transfer are the norm for regulars they often set up a standing order. rarely do they want to pay cash...so its mostly cheques
  6. Nice pic Adders are something I would love to see .....never seen one
  7. i did llanberis route last year middle of july ,brilliant sun at the bottom ,driving rain and freezing at the top wear good boots and carry waterproofs,warm clothing food etc
  8. as above the revenant is a good read
  9. loved that ,that dog was straight off the boat after them
  10. the Mersey when I was a kid it was dead ,black with pollutants...all that lived there hundreds of rats on the bankings now I have caught salmon in it and last night as I walked the dog I saw someone catch a grayling nice video
  11. I used to use 12 mm lead but have changed to 10mm steel as it has it shoots flatter Hex nuts are good for knock down power but same as lead drop quick Try some different ammo and see which you prefer
  12. FKOF did you manage to get some pics of your dogs ,interested in getting this cross myself
  13. same as greyman ,most coats have a catty in the pocket with a few steel ball so everytime I take the dog out I will have a shot
  14. got the aluminium from proshot well pleased with it
  15. how tall are they ? dp they stick close to you or follow a line for a distance
  16. Anyone got any more pics This is the sort of cross I am after this summer Just general hunting ,dogging in down the shoot etc I,ve always had spaniels before but fancy a change
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