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the monkey

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Everything posted by the monkey

  1. i,ve read them all and still think ...training spanials by joe irving is the best
  2. nice looking pup .keep us all informed of her progress
  3. i thought we had the minimum wage system in this country...expecting someone to work for nothing is disgraceful
  4. as millet said got the thread from leveller ....this thread is class...what would we do without the internet
  5. where can i get a meet card from ,i am interested in a couple of days ths winter
  6. dymented how did you do that?? brilliant
  7. is it legal i thought with the minimum wage there had to be some payment involved
  8. mine is a disaster....too wet ..one plot is just redshank ,its swamped the maize ,we couldnt get onto the land to spray...another section was under water for 3 weeks so no maize at all....cant even walk on it let alone do anything else .. as wolfie said what permanant cover is the solution or is it just down to a bad year
  9. you wony go wrong with the corpak bedding keeps the dogs warm and dry
  10. there not as quiet as the hushpower cartridges but they sure hit harder....i,ve been using fionnchio<spelling> they seem pretty good,just try a few brands
  11. What is it you want to know? Why i don't run the long ears anymore? ATB Andy. Jesus Christ I'll ask you again? Why in 2007 was 99% of everything you run paired up? An why now in 2011 everything you run is single? What has changed with these dogs from 20 years ago? Il tel you what it is PL andy decided to add a little coursing blood to his line so now they will do em single . Only joking Andy lol. One things for sure Andy has obviously lived and breathed dogs for the best part of his life and put an amount of game in the bag 99% of us can only dream of. He is st
  12. my mates run renault vans and they have all had gearbox problems.....one master has had three gearboxes under warrenty and another mates box went....not under warrenty .......big money...if i was going to buy a big van it woud be a transit...next down toyota hiace ,smaller transit connect or a vw caddy
  13. i,ve got a toyota hiace and love it
  14. brilliant ,i love to see a big halibut let alone catch one
  15. leview is spot on a product called broadsword will kill mares tail
  16. for the boys that like leather these collars are real quality
  17. is it a bavarian mountain hound ....keep us informed on its training.
  18. ahhh cammoman ,,,,my hero... the legend ,know that is a story of breeding and bloodlines from many lands.....from when time began this is what we have all strived to get ...the ultimate beast its all kept behind closed doors and the people that are in the know know who they are,if you are in the know and know who else is in the know you will all know who is in the know and if you dont know who is in the know you will never know who is..
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