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the monkey

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Everything posted by the monkey

  1. Another blank Right tide ,best bait Four hours fishing .....one mackerel.......no bass
  2. Does it have to be manuka honey ?
  3. anyone had any luck bass fishing in the north wales area we have been having a hard time of it ..been a few times now and not caught one yet we have been fishing in the straits and trefor area
  4. absolutely brilliant....I,d put that on my wall and its not even my dog
  5. You can get gunshot CDs,maybe play them quietly in the background and gradually turn the sound up
  6. Byron seeing as you have both lenses How do they compare side by side? I am always tempted by the 300 2.8 but am put off by the size It would be alright if you were just taking pics but there's camera,dog ,spade,ferret.......big pack lunch..etc Need an amy of Sherpas to carry the gear
  7. I Might give you 280 mm but it will never be as sharp as a prime 300 I,ve used the teleconverters before and never been happy with the results For wildlife shots I reach for 300 mm every time ,the 70 200 is good but not as sharp as a prime
  8. There too big I,ve enough to carry without a great big lens as well
  9. I use Nikon and agree prime lenses are miles sharper I use a 300mm f4. Pin sharp....it's an old lens but takes good shots
  10. Smart looking pup ,always wanted one of these...keep us all posted on how you progress with training
  11. Is the Brazilian to do with the world cup? Support for the boys or in your case going commando ..no support
  12. 1993 and I still look like that, only thing thats changed is the jumper is too big on me nowY.I.S Leeview I bet you still have the jumper
  13. brand new now that's what I call lurcherwork 1 and 2 p and p paid
  14. on things like this we need to stand together and be counted brand new the nick stevens story p and p paid
  15. I fish a sea hog trooper with a 60hp on the back ,brilliant boat
  16. for the live eels we use 50lb braid with 12lb fluorocarbon link with small carp hooks size 6 or 8
  17. Is that in the straits,if it is we were fishing there the last two weeks. Dismal We couldn't even catch a mackerel We had crab,worm ,squid Had two bull Huss and plenty of small whiting We are hoping that when the sand eels come in the fishing will improve
  18. Using the round up in the plants..put a rubber glove on and then a wooly one ,soak the wooly one in round up and just go around the bed brushing the elder with the weed killer soaked wooly
  19. Will be after something like this in the future ...what have you chosen?
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