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the monkey

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Everything posted by the monkey

  1. I am in the process of building some bodygrip tunnels What do you think is the best length? 16 inch would work out best with the wood I have Do you think that is too short?
  2. Try training on a football pitch or something similar where there is no game
  3. caught the fattest squirrel ever today 1ib 10oz
  4. take it beating so it sees a bit of game
  5. I,d love one but think they would hunt too far ahead for me if you have one you have got too call it TESS
  6. brilliant ,its nice when all the training comes together
  7. I work outdoors all day every day and if I,m not working I,m out in it shooting or hunting I,ve tried most of the sugestions except paramo most leak or are too hot to walk any distance in best I,ve found for durability and price is mod jacket with a cheap thin fleece under it best pants are post office issue gortex< ask your postman>
  8. leave the bark on ,I think it spoils it with the bark off
  9. he sells his own batteries on ebay...I,ve got a couple ,there good
  10. read this http://www.torchythebatteryboy.com/
  11. One of my customers was a character ,always had a brew with him Asked him what he did in the war..... He was a test pilot,when the planes came out of the factory he got in it flew it 40 miles up the coast and back,iif it was ok he passed it. They were pretty good he only had engine failure about 15 times( what) Ditched it I the fields and found the nearest phone so he could be picked up
  12. Sat in front of the tele with the wife next to me Can't open it in case she hears and beats me
  13. does anyone know what batteries these used...seriel numbers etc I,ve just got a bit of permission and rooting my locaters out after not using them for a couple of years I cant find any of the old batteries to compare....thanks
  14. I use a acme silent type ,one pip she looks at me three pips for recall,she getting the hang of it now at eight months Thought it would be better than shouting and the recall can be heard over a longer distance
  15. Very we'll written reply and very informative I have the d300 and can highly recommend it ,it's solid and hasn't let me down yet in bad conditions
  16. the monkey

    Tv Series

    breaking bad ....brilliant
  17. mik how do you retune them or just use them ..who would know goat what model are they?
  18. we need a couple of walkie takies but not sure which to buy we had some bt freeways before ..thety were ok what does everyone use/recomend
  19. Another blank Right tide ,best bait Four hours fishing .....one mackerel.......no bass
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