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Everything posted by brenna

  1. Nice one fever looking foward to one of them pal is your deacon bitch showing any signs pal il get look at pups over weekend the last litter of your pure look real good we have 2 showed great signs end of season nice age now 16 months atb
  2. Nice one fever looking foward to one of them pal is your deacon bitch showing any signs pal il get look at pups over weekend the last litter of your pure look real good we have 2 showed great signs end of season nice age now 16 months atb
  3. River moy down foxford county mayo very good salmon river and you have lough Conn up the road very good end of may gets good run of salmon I caught an 11lb brown trout in lough Conn 1986
  4. Powerful he would put the dog whisperer ceasar Milan to shame lol
  5. You. Can bet it wont cover gundogs its ok to blow the head of a hare or rabbit but course it and get caught you're fckd if this becomes law Il just become a rambler lol
  6. Yes Mr powers there's good n bad in all countries but for man to say f all came outa of ire is nonsense he needs to take the blinkers of there's not a man alive hasn't had a dog or 2 that hasn't made the grade atvb dean
  7. Yes bunny boiler I bit coz he talking pure dung wat bout 2 dogs over from Ireland at weekend past j Kelly bitch and gards dogs ran outstanding on the blackland few guys over there saw them go fensarefarbutistillgo give them very good praise said ran very well think only missed 1 bigear outa 9 between the 2 dogs on heavy blackland atvb
  8. Its a well known fact mate best greyhounds and racehorses come from Ireland ffs we ram it up yous at Cheltenham every yes and as for greyhounds its the same derby winners are bred in Ireland ffs there's 2 lirrys leave Ireland every week heading to England full of greyhounds for men over there to buy so your talking nonsense plenty good lurchers come from Ireland ffs every time I'm over coursing and English men see my dogs running over there they over to me bidding me silly money I've sold them 5 past couple years and they thot that much of them they've bred of them and by the way the best thin
  9. Was guy here in Ireland in late 70s when money was scarce use to go out at night for sheep with few dogs he would of took two sheep a week to feed his family and few neighbours children true story lads I knew this man atvb
  10. Bet you if someone asked yous to work them long hours yous had lamping and driving you'd tell them to feck off well done fellas great night and dedication to your sport atvb
  11. Me and my mate have a bitch pup each coming 12 months they off Vinnie x pure saluki Vinnie was straight of tramp x gorgers bitch badger these 2 pups running very well we well happy with them the speed they have for of a pure is serious and have lots of wind
  12. I used Mikey over my bitch last April pups now 7 months old real happy with them all I can say is Mikey was in top notch condition as were all the mans dogs the man who had him at stud was real mice fella give me real good luck penny as I had a round trip of 340 miles fair play to the man atvb
  13. A fooking joke them cops be better off down at dover port chasing asylum seekers let the lads alone with dogs keep at it pal
  14. Got one with tag in its ear hope the grew men aren't looking for it . It made great pot of Irish stew lol
  15. Had bitch few years ago done same catch them on lamp came back with bunny got within 5 yards of me with bunnie in mouth then ran on past me down to edge of fields crawled in under hedgerow and started to bury the bunnie sad to say I had to bury her couldn't get her out of the habbit atvb
  16. Lads there's plenty good dogs bitches out there worthy of breeding from just some fellas don't rant and rave about their dogs I was out on Saturday with lads some young dogs running some older ones every run I seen was great big land I wouldn't hesitate to take pup out of any them older bitches or dogs we nailed 9 on Saturday 6 men out was out again yest with some of same dogs only 3 of us and a young lad we had 4 runs done 3 before you ask. Majority of runs single handed we had couple 10 month pups out on sat which were slipped one at a time with older dog to show pup the ropes moral of story
  17. Because these new rules was introduced on 1 st January pal its a cooking money racket that's the European Union for you
  18. Brookie we sent bitch to eng last week it went through Dublin port we had to get it rabies jab chipped te injected for parvo plus the rabies jab has to be in the dog 30 days before its allowed to travel all in it cost 90 pounds at vet and for transport men there's none of this nonsense if your leaving northern Ireland there was no one taking dogs to England from the north that's why we had send her through Dublin atvn
  19. Agree they should be ran for few seasons before you even think of breeding them my self personally I ran my bitch for 5 seasons before I put her in pup she was ran both sides of pond her pups are 7 months old today so look forward to starting these pups next season everyone's different its just the way I like to breed after at least 4 seasons atvb waiting on lads picking me up we off to do a bit and have a bit to travel to land
  20. Do both but my priority is daytime cant beat good days coursing love December January febusry always seems to be plenty biglugs about
  21. Fair play gaffer always reared 2 pups together and brought them on I cant see the problem as ling as your fit enough and father time hasn't caught up on you to quick lol best of luck with your pups I've 2 younguns for next season they near 7 months and I've 3 running dogs and an old bitch and I'm no young lad lol just love the game mainly bigears and bits lamping and ferreting atvb
  22. You on the Guinness today lol black stuff lol just getting ready going myself lads picking me up at 5 am wee bit to travel to land atvb fever
  23. Desert bred come over here see how many you get sitting tight this time of year there's 90 coursing clubs lifts the hares course them plus all the teams of lads with lurchers. And I said most don't sit tight I've been to land in England many times were they have been well run by lads who invite us over its same there Dec and Jan Feb they don't hang around unless your on a place were haven't been coursed before went to place in Cambridge big land hares hadn't been run according to the keeper there was 43 taken that day go to same place today the hares know the craic now they have been run regul
  24. Leethedog there's very few hares sit tight at this time of year they normally up and away especially on land that's hunted regularly so obviously you haven't a clue what your talking about I take it you don't hunt longears
  25. No pal its saluki fevers bitch tommy just puts pictures up for fever tommy owns the Lucas x inka bred bitch in the smaller picture
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