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Everything posted by Wxm

  1. Wxm

    Pokemon Go.

    Wouldn't mind throwing my poke a ballz at theses Pokemon
  2. Wxm

    Pokemon Go.

    That explained everything
  3. Wxm

    Fat People?

    Wheres the fun in that ...... let her pish on ya in round 2
  4. As of Wednesday she's the new prime minister, Any views on where this will leave us ?
  5. Wxm

    Fat People?

    I like to think I'm in shape ..... Well when I was in school, round was a shape
  6. Asking for a mate Wanted forend stock for a mk1 airarms s200
  7. How's £75 the lot posted sound to anyone interested in the lot ..
  8. Anyone interested before they find their way on to ebay ?? theres 21 or 23 of them .. £7.50 each posted or will take £3.50 each if sold together
  9. There's 3 ... You can have them £20 each and I'll throw in the rest for free
  10. There's roughly 10 - 12 smocks and they are from medium to xl possibly xxl ... The trousers are around a medium .. The shirts are a vary of sizes pretty much like the coats along with the thermals ... And the t-shirts are between medium and large
  11. 50+ items of army surplus smocks shirts jumpers trousers thermal bottoms & tops Helmet covers Coat & trouser liners Plus other bits £75 Ono the lot .. Collection Wrexham Would swap on locator & collor
  12. army surplus camo coats / jackets £10 each sizes roughly large - X large .. collection wrexham
  13. Wxm


    When you do when drop me a pm and I'll supply the hookers
  14. It's on hold till tomorrow morning ... Will let you know after 1 tomorrow
  15. Posting can be arranged
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