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Everything posted by Wxm

  1. Wxm

    Tattoos ?

    Having a flick through google and fb and I like these .. even more so the 1st, 2nd & 4th ..
  2. Wxm

    Tattoos ?

    Ha and this was the other way I ment ???? .. hope your keeping well pal ??
  3. Wxm

    Tattoos ?

    Morning all, I really want a sleeve tattoo but can’t find anything I like or feel strongly about to have inked on me ?? .. I’m going for the wrist to elbow first then potentially the elbow shoulder in due course .. I know google is my friend for ideas but seem to be the same old shite .. So does anyone have pics of there’s ?? ?? This could go either way ?
  4. Anyone know what I can watch “Lying and Stealing” on ? Looks alrite ??
  5. View Advert 2 knocker boxes and 3 collars Working order, 1 knocker box needs the sticker for the wheel .. prefer face to face so they can be tested / shown working .. collection Wrexham but do travel all over so can possibly meet to help Advertiser Wxm Date 15/11/19 Price £220.00 Category Ferreting Equipment  
  6. Wxm


    Anyone else watching the price of gold rocketing?? Seems to have grown loads in the last couple of weeks .. how far do you think it will go before the bubble pops and why do you’s think it’s climbing ?
  7. Wouldn’t be surprised if some mentioned were locked up in a mental institution or have had their internet restricted by a judge ??
  8. Fcuk her and that gem got some blood pumping in here ??
  9. Wxm

    Kids taking money

    There’s snide 5’s & 10’s about .. there’s been loads of post around Wrexham telling people to check theirs
  10. Fcuk I bet your inbox is full with offering £1000 at the back end of the season ?
  11. Pretty sure SS does them
  12. Secondhand all the way !! Ive picked up a logun s16 in the past for £40 and swapped it for a practically brand new hw97kt what area real are you and if I see anything I’ll send it across ??
  13. Just had my pedigree back from the kennel club and there’s some 5th gen names missing ? .. anyone got any similar breeding?
  14. Wxm

    Kids taking money

    Ay your a 100% right it’s just a pain in the arse when the missus leaves change in her bag / pocket for the bus to town to get to the bus stop then find out one of the toe rags have rifled her bag / pockets then she has to go to the shop / atm to get money out
  15. Wxm

    Kids taking money

    Did think that but it drys too quick
  16. Wxm

    Kids taking money

    I sort of wish it was notes cause I’d get a snide one and hope they took it and get collared at the shop
  17. Wxm

    Kids taking money

    ? you make me feel so poor that I’d notice 50p missing and your not sure if your daughter has had you off with £50 ???
  18. Wxm

    Kids taking money

    They are that tight on each other that they’d happily take a few slaps just to watch one of their brothers or sisters get one ???
  19. Right I know a lot has taken the odd bit of change here and there but one of my lot are taking the p*ss ... me and my partner between us have 7 kids and we can rule out the 3 youngest and possibly the middle one it’s the 3 oldest the we are stumped with .. 2 13 year olds and a 15 year old we’ve asked them and none of them give the slightest inclination of who it could be so what we’re looking for is an idea of a trap something to coat the coins in to catch them out ? Any ideas ??
  20. The sire of mine is from SVK and the dam from SRB
  21. It’s horses for courses pal and we ain’t running the same course with the same set of rules .. and as the OP has said at various points of this thread it’s not his words
  22. Opinions are like arseholes and everyone thinks everyone else’s stinks .. dymented is going off his experiences with his dogs and if he speaks highly of them who are we to judge ? .. the only way you’d know for sure is if you tried one yourself IMO
  23. do you bother with smooth coated or have you any smooth x teckel? as ive seen a few clips of the smooth being worked
  24. Fcuk I could of nearly bought a litter for what mine cost ? .. you’d get more than 350 for a Russel x .. messaged a women selling One with no details .. turned out to be a 8m old bitch no papers 700 ? ..
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