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About stones

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 06/10/1970

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  • Interests
    ferreting/terrier work/lamping

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  1. Sorry to hear that... thanks mate
  2. Just wondering if anybody has a phone number for jimmy bridges (rycroft plummer terriers)... thanks in advance fellas
  3. Just wondering if anybody has a phone number for jimmy bridges (rycroft plummer terriers)....cheers fellas
  4. I've done it with 3 jills in a 12 ' x 2' x 2' hutch 27 kits raised in all... took some feeding from 3 weeks onwards anything dead on the road went in the back of the van.. was travelling through the Altcar estate to work every day at the time so rabbits. hares. Woodpigeons. ducks. pheasants etc all ended up on the menu the amount of shite that came out of the hutch and the amount of shavings that went in was unreal... clean out three times a day but everyone went to a good home... deffo wouldn't recommend it though...
  5. I use the old oil off the van when it's been serviced... soaks right into the wood... only downside is you daren't go near it with good clothes on till its dry... ?
  6. Hope that gsd had all its jabs biting one of those minty b@stards
  7. I wouldn't be bothered mate... you can't change them from a jill to a hob or vice versa... I'd wait till they start crawling out the nest box then have a look... a jill can be easily upset with a new litter and kill the lot...why risk it?
  8. stones

    Brady Dead

    Flush his ashes down the pan with the rest of the crap...
  9. Only place phony tony should be going into is jail... the mans a war criminal and a liar
  10. Couple of trowels of lime mixed into a bucket of hot water and bleach.... let it dry then give all the nooks and crannies the once over with a blow torch... no creepy crawlies or germs should survive that ?
  11. In theory he can't benefit from it as he still has a criminal conviction (murder reduced to manslaughter) also his dismissal from the royal navy still stands and a convicted criminal cannot receive financial reward as a result of their crimes (personally I think the man should be given a medal the size of a frying pan)
  12. Done it a few times... always made sure that the jills went in with the hob to be mated at the same time that way they should both have their maternal instincts kicking in around the same time...
  13. That's him mate... still see him about... he's more into his racing pigeons nowadays
  14. Yes it's the same lad... still see him about...he's more into his racing pigeons now..
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