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paul roberts

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Everything posted by paul roberts

  1. i know he went to a greyhound bitch in scotland or carlise he went to my whip grey and also wiba used him
  2. out again sunday to long hedge holes we already done weeks before keepers saying still plenty of bunnies there ferrets out callers on ready to go 4 out of first set then 3 ploding on hard to beleive were rabbits are coming from end of the day the final talley 64 over600 bunnies out of this long headge this season sofar taken 3 diferent lads of this sitt and cant beleive there eyes beating there best bags today
  3. the show is a exspensive day out for what is there you will walk around in half hour and seen all
  4. very good dog he is in saluki final
  5. toyota rav ideal for wife aswell
  6. another good day out invited young lad out to see some good land as we enterd the land we could see rabbits hares and dear all in view grant was excited got to first set we had 2 out we caried on but only getting one and 2 out of good sets wegot up to 17 then we had 8 out of a 5 holer we ended up with 25 and one with long ears lad was over the moon al on permison
  7. cheers lads will try some new ideas
  8. the dogs are in a large garage with indivduel beds ann runs the dog is hyper full of energy take him for good run think you gave him enough back to kennel get another dog to walk he goes mad so you end up taken him again sal grey out of bitch snowy and jack sister to dr chase loades of stamina
  9. i got a bark muzzel will try tomorow its funny if he sees the house light go on he shuts up its not a continuse bark but if i dont go out and feed he starts again he is 11 months got 9 dogs in kennel but only him barks
  10. waiting for the clocks to go forward lol
  11. dog barks at 5,30 every morning if i go out and feed him hes quiet straight away tried feeding him late given him a crack nothing stops him only his food
  12. out to long hedge sat and sunday 15 satarday ground frozen ferrets kiled in night mare sunday invited lad of this site john haris he brought along a good marking terier snow on the floor 5 inches deep 18 rabbits and 5 about 10 weeks most of bunnys again full of young plenty of game to see hares deer and his dog had a bite of a fox yet another good weekend
  13. well back to the same hedge and baged another 32 bunnies
  14. heart of wales is more like country fair it will be a long time before it gets as good as the welsh game fair
  15. whip greyh to a saluki the mother white bitch on my galery
  16. the last day for shoot on tuesday a lot of game crops plenty of small woods to get at lot of good heges hares and rabbits thick all over been having good bags now the best places to go at are in young or young running about but the land owners want them gone so another busy weekend
  17. 11 months and been on kills on big ears very good strike on featherd pup
  18. the 2 white pups on my galery are out of a bitch of snowy x jack sister d reids chase one featherd other smoth
  19. tomo gust for you i will do a esay next time plus pictures then we will have j darcey wrighting a book on it lol
  20. farmer asked us to do a hedg 5 hours later 46 rabbits in 50 yards of it
  21. 10 of the lads went up the night before show the pubs were full in lanborne vilage all the lads singing away welsh lads were in good voice as us welsh can sing lol then the english lads tried to out sing us they failed the lads that was in the pub will remember a fight broke out in the pub it went out on to the street pictures of famoues horses were past out throgh the windows one of the boys was hit by abottel loosing half of his ear a lad jumped out of a van waveing a 4 10 gun ploice went to saying come on lad calm down give me the gun the police took the gun took him to the ploice van too
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