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paul roberts

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Everything posted by paul roberts

  1. 5 good pups out of a snowy jack bitch 2 cream 3 black tan 2 bitches 3 dogs
  2. next time u go out and get a few rabits do u know were to put the guts lol
  3. I GOT A BLACK AND TAN BITCH OUT OF SNOWY AND JACK SHE IS DUE TO HAVE PUPS ON 24TH FEB DAYS TO GO what dog u use he might have used scout or his other dog in avatar not sure i will find out for you if he doesnt reply to this the dog is by kash and whip grey sulk ash lines dog runs well
  4. is rooney at stud if so how much rooney has gone to a retirement home for greyhounds
  5. Will do jack. As soon she comes in season i will let you know. Heres a picture of 'Jebs' brother who is up for stud if you know anyone who wants to use him. Hes the sire of 'Nips' litter of 9. Hes the brother of Tony burns 'sonny' from the same litter. Do you ever see 'Suki' these days. how much is stud fee pm me nice dog we got pups of tb sunny
  6. This is the pure saluki i will be putting on her, hes untried as a stud dog so i have another lined up just in case. HOW OLD IS IT a real nice dog mate Hes just over 2 year old sound mate was he younger in the pic the photo was taken about 5 month ago but he hasnt changed much, he still looks like a pup
  7. how did u get on in comp r u going to bath indoor gamefair 12th march

  9. floyd was only ashow dog and high jump thats the work it done and never beat abitch caled gypse in the ring and that bitch could work
  10. how old would pups be

  11. i will call u tomorow its easier to get hold of queen than u

  12. did u have a bitch caled grace chap by me said he got a pup out of her

  13. we got pearmison to corse we use adog to flush the law dont say what type of dogs if the dog catches a hare u must not handel the kill u must be seen to hold your dog and shoot the game this is going on with a lot of clubs
  14. the bitch is out of abitch of another bitch of tina tuner lines iknow both dogs well been out with both jim feeton owned bitch they put jami wilsons jack 1st time had 3 dog pups
  15. had my dog back safe and well today cost 150 pounds of dog warden i have been looking for 7 days iphoned kennels regular said no sign and my dog was ther all the time just like to take our money glad you got it back mate,cost you but im sure your just happy to get her back injury free. just stressed out saying not here when she was
  16. thankyou for your help in finding my dogs

  17. had my dog back safe and well today cost 150 pounds of dog warden i have been looking for 7 days iphoned kennels regular said no sign and my dog was ther all the time just like to take our money
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