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Everything posted by blackfox

  1. I use the same chaps, very genuine bunch of blokes. They have glass-bedded my rem 700, including installing precision made (by Chris) brass pillars. That has inproved my accuracy at an affordable price. also gonna get some more work lined up when funds allow Very genuine guys & great service with no bull $hite. If you need any work done or just to inquire about work id give them a call, they are the chaps that the gun-shops use to do their work.
  2. andyf, on 21 March 2010 - 08:51 PM, said: By the way, time spent shooting paper and practicing is not 'wasted ammo' you need to practice and gain realtime experience. What about if your out on a hunting trip and say you knock the scope or drop your gun? whats the answer, go home? if you know how to zero your rifle efficently then there is no need to go and let off 20 rounds.
  3. :realmad: Well: I don't think it makes any difference at all, , what are you planning to do about the difference in the weights anyway? What you need to concentrate on are the things YOU can influence, bullet, powder, primer and most of all consistancy in all of the preceeding, get only the best of components, take great care especially with the powder charge weight and the bullet seating. The case is 'only' a container for the powder and a grip for the bullet, not anything to get excited about, but if your losing sleep trade it for a .223 get Lapau brass and sleep easy! AndyF
  4. erm, im a little unsure how true that statement is
  5. Yeah, sorry i forgot to put that in, they are all Hornady brass. Cheers
  6. Hello Chaps, well i was doing a snip of reloading today for the .204 and after some tips from a mate, thought i would weigh my cases as my groups still arnt as tight as id like..... I know this case weighing may be common practise for some, its worth a thought if you dont. So after de-buring cleaning etc etc i then primed my cases and began weighing, for simplicity i thought that i would keep them in per grain ranges i.e a 96.2 would go in the same as 96.9. I know this may not be a tight enough weight range but its the first time ive done this. Anyways i found out the f
  7. Where is the factory that you got them from? To be honest, IMO if youve got the cash go for a Deben Lithium, i love mine, it lasts hrs. I use it with my Blitz240 vp. The light weight is the real bonus. Cheers
  8. Thats exactly how i do it , i tend to do this first at bout 75yrds than move back to my chosen "Zeroing" distance. Other thing i tend to do is move the crosshairs in relation to the impact hole. i.e I aim for the centre of the target, if the bullet impact is nowhere near the centre i will set the rifle steady on the bi-pod and rear bag aim exactly where i was aiming with the initial shot (at the centre of the target) and then dial the crosshairs until they meet the initial point of impact. When doing this you must be sure that the rifle is not moved. Also that methord will save you a f
  9. Funny, i was just thinking how dis-respectful people are when they flick their fag ends all over the countryside.....
  10. GOOD LAD!!! i roll my own, 39grn sierra blitzkings& H322. I had trouble with factory 32`s and 40`s although a mate has a ruger and shoots tight groups with both. I will be trying the Barnes Varmint grenades next.... They are the mutts ive taken more foxes and rabbitos than i care to think about I shoot remmy sps varmint 1 in 12 twist Be sure to keep it clean Any questions mate please ask Cheers and good shootin
  11. LOL, thats pure genius!! This is my favourite part Mrs Cordell's daughters Maddi and Ruby had hand-reared the cockerel, called Dude, from a chick. "Now he's a murderer," she said That must be one angry cock!
  12. i use a PES T12, that i find to be excellent. Only draw back i can see is that its a tad weighty, then again its not on a stalking rifle, its on a Rem 700 .204 ruger with a varmint barrel. Without the mod its pretty darn loud...
  13. 17HMR is were it's at, and it is a 0.170 NOT a 0.177! You can also get (God knows who would want such a thing??) a .17 Remington Centrefire, when there are many other and much less troublesome calibres out there i.e. .223, 22.250, .243 etc etc. Actually, the .17 rem is a very very accurate tool in the right hands!!
  14. Hello, im not a shotgun man but i know a chap who could have a look for you if you like? He is around the Wellington area, is that a bit far for you? if your intrested PM me Cheers
  15. Heres 12 foxes, shot in Porlock Also must have shot well over 100 rabbits, we were told not to pick them up. Shot with a Tika T3 .22-250
  16. Just wondering if anyones used a remington 597.... the one i like is the AR-15 style model Ive had a ruger 10/22 and wasnt overly keen, im just wondering if these are better made and more reliable with the round-cycling. And yes i know, i did keep the 10/22 clean!! A bit of info from the remington website Overview: Well established in the world of 22 rimfire rifles, the Model 597 family of autoloading rimfires adds full-featured, AR-style versions to its line-up, the Model 597 VTR (Varmint Target Rifle) 22LR in two distinctive configurations. With performance-enhancing
  17. Hello Chaps, dose anyone know of any "good" riflesmiths in the Somerset/Devon area, basically a riflesmith that you have had first hand experience with and are very happy with the work/price/service. Any info would be great. Thanks Sam
  18. Im off to get one tomorrow you cant knock it for £20 can you??????
  19. All the best zini, i dont often post in the airgun section but enjoy reading your topics. Hope all goes well
  20. Deker- I'm not implying that's it a replacement calibre that earns it's place above any other... say the .223 As for "specialist requirement " The .204 is a pure varmint rifle & I don't think it's trying to be anything else - I use mine for all pest control and it suits that job perfectly. Surely there are calibres in your collection that like some brands & weighs of ammo and don't like others. I havnt had a problem with sourcing Reloading supplys. The heavy barrel isn't designed for stalking, Lamping from a vehicle it's ideal, your well planted and can keep your cross
  21. Lewdan - Mines a Remington 700 SPS Varmint, although i have a mate with a Howa 1500 and thats the biz aswell, i got a remington based on the number of aftermarket parts avaliable on the net- e.g i got a HS Precision stock off ebay.com. Regarding Ruger rifles i cant comment as i havnt used one. I would insist that you had a heavy barrel varmint version of which ever rifle you go for, also if its a 1 in 12 twist it will have fo be 26" DONT BE TEMPTED TO CUT DOWN AS YOU WILL LOOSE VELOCITY. Also if its a 1 in 12 it might struggle to stabalise the 40grns...... some like them some dont..... min
  22. Jigsaw, if you need a hand just let me know Also I will be happy to butcher them for you!!! as its me Job As for sharing the daughters room, it would give me a plesant place to rest my head.....lol
  23. Good shootin there mate , sounds like your gonna be a regular around there Sam
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