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Everything posted by blackfox

  1. I had the exact thing happen many moons ago, i hate these with a passion. Mine snapped half way through the bore. The only thing they will achieve is to remove some loose fouling, that is it. Get a good quality - rod, jag, patches, brush & a bottle of Shooters Choice
  2. Rick, i use Federal Gold Medal Match primers in my .308 Shoots sweet, i use the same but Small Rifle in the .204 too
  3. Mass produced barrels are not lapped (google barrel lapping) It is good practice to run a barrel in. You do not need to clean it while zeroing :)I If i did that with the .204 it wouldn't shoot for shit. Well it probably would, just not to the usual standard. It gets cleaned after pretty much every outing. With a Dewey Rod, Jag Patches, Shooters Choice, Pro-Shot Patches & Brush Regular cleaning will result in easy cleaning, it really dosent take that long. POI Is the same after Cleaning providing the barrel is clean - no solvent residue left on any part of the patch I h
  4. Are you load testing? As above - Id try some factory stuff though to take that variable off the list
  5. Jamie, Yes it Should but as usual the UK is the last to know with all cool gun stuff that comes from the States Id like to give one of these a go
  6. I was in Sportsman Gun Centre in Exeter yesterday, they seem to have a lot os S&B stock on the shelf
  7. Hmmmmm i find that a little srange, in Somerset i would be very suprised if you requested a .22lr & .17hmr and were denied the .17 It could be worth getting in touch with BASC about this http://www.basc.org.uk/en/departments/firearms/
  8. Ive been using a Third Eye Tactical Spartan on my .308 - Its a cracking bit of kit. Wewll worth a look, fully stripable and made in the UK! http://www.thirdeyetactical.com/index.html
  9. When out in the truck, im a big fan of the Polystyrene on the windscreen. Works a treat & free
  10. I often wonder just how folks get on first we range find the animal then work out the drop and adjust the scope then dope the wind then awwwwwww f**k its gone lol For me its quite simple identify what you consider your maximum distance you can accurately shoot to then zero the rifle at the distance which gives the flattest trajectory to you maximum range Danw, its horses for courses, float your boat etc. I enjoy playing with some longer range stuff, if your shooting a rabbit at 400yrd+ the chances are it is not going to know you are there. Generally most shooters can judge dista
  11. .223 - .243 - .308 Personally, 100yrd evert time. Work out ballistics. Know whats happening As i said, Personally. If 1" high at 100yrds works for you, thats cool
  12. Just wondering if any chaps on here would be interested in Trading some Pigeon Shooting For some Bass & Bream Fishing, heading out from Christchurch in Dorset http://www.adaytotra...tchurch-dorset/
  13. Just wondering if any chaps on here would be interested in Trading some Pigeon Shooting For some Bass & Bream Fishing, heading out from Christchurch in Dorset http://www.adaytotra...tchurch-dorset/
  14. Depending on the "lie of the land" they may ask you to erect high seats, this was a option that was suggested to me by a FEO. If the land has already been granted for use with a CF, you shouldnt have a problem with a similar size calibre. He said its less to do with the total acreage of the land, more to do with the Humps & Bumps. Safe backstop etc
  15. Just wondering if any chaps on here would be interested in Trading some Pigeon Shooting For some Bass & Bream Fishing, heading out from Christchurch in Dorset http://www.adaytotrade.com/days/109/bream-amp-bass-fishing-from-christchurch-dorset/
  16. Ive got some 168grn A-Max knocked up for the .308 that i will be testing over the weekend. High BC, and these beauties can be sent through the post
  17. Haha i agree with you there! Far too many cats around I also find it very funny as i know of "bunny huggers" that are big fans of cats....
  18. Good Video, Looks like some great shooting in a fantastic country, do you offer any guided trips?
  19. Personally i tend to go for afternoon shooting, be set-up & in place for 1:30 ish - judging that the birds would have had a morning feed and then be sat about in trees/on lines with full crops. This allows some time to watch the field, then decide where to situate the hide etc, Watch for flight lines. I have also gone to fields & clapped off 100 or so birds, then sat and watched to see if others start to come back, if after 20 or so mins there isnt any sign, i move on to the next. Not sure if this is the right thing to do but thats how i do it. Some fields just seem to draw pigeons
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