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jimmy doyle

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Everything posted by jimmy doyle

  1. hi lads i am after a 12 shot rapid mag if anyone has a spare one to sell .thanks
  2. here is a pic of my rapid 17.sorry no pic .how the hell do you put a pic on here ,no matter wich one i try to put on it says its two big .
  3. i will do you a swap then a springer for ur hw100.lol only joking aint got a spring gun had them for years till the pcp came in .i would never have a springer again two loud and two much recoil ,not for me ..i have two rapids one is a rapid 17 and the other is a rapid mk1 in 22.never part with them .
  4. o here is email .jimmydoyle68@hotmail.com
  5. hi i am after a 12 shot mag for my rapid if anyone has one to sell .thanks.jimmydoyle68@hotmail.com
  6. Hi I looking for a 12 shot rapid mag if anyone has one to sell .thanks
  7. hi chaps i am after a 12 shot rapid mag if anyone has a spare one to sell .thanks .jimmydoyle68@hotmail.com
  8. anyone got a rapid forsale.if so mail me ,jimmydoyle68@hotmail.com.
  9. hi chaps i got some new scopes for my rapid ,and the thing is they dont sit on the mounts properly there that little bit two wide , now what do i do becouse rapid mounts are dif from other mounts they screw on from the top with the alan key,can i get a bigger pair of mounts that are the same or what ;
  10. no way cant beleave it my dream gun lol and i aint got the money .f**k
  11. mate have a look on gunstar.com .loads on there just put in theoben rapid in the serch bar .
  12. get a harris first .then when u get a gos u will never fly anything else but a gos again .beleave me .a harris is like a big butterfly .
  13. have a webley stirup pump only few months old ,swap for a harris bipod 6.9 inch,or sell for quid .paid 130 for pump .just cant get on with the pumps .
  14. nice mate every rapid is worth the 500 mark i c u have the simmons scope aswell real nice .
  15. i got one pal i am in telfordshropshire
  16. hi i have a webley stirup pump for sale only had it three months just cant get on with these pumps hard work .paid 130. will take 85 no less .or swap for harris bipod or diving bottle 12 ltr if pos.give me ring.07794239963.jim tex and i will send pic.
  17. yep might b intrested mate is it tilt and swivel.i have a pump 3 months old did want to try swap it for diving bottle and gauge.
  18. hi chaps i am after a rapid so anyone selling one give me a call or le message on here .07794239963. jim
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