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swamp rat

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Everything posted by swamp rat

  1. they are nice pups not trying to take anything away from them like
  2. its a big claim to say an adult dogs the best at something but a pup?????
  3. cant really disagree with any of that mate a male writing the ad would focus on the dogs working ability and the important stuff
  4. you should drop it off to that old bag at the wildlife place she can waste some tax payers money getting it counselling for the trauma caused by its extra appendige and then reabilitate it back to the wild
  5. harry potter scary? maybe if your 5 yrs old mate
  6. judges should be picking dogs with scars though. the fact is if its a working terrier show the only way your going to know if the dogs work is if you see a dog you recognise or the dog looks like its seen some action. and even that isnt 100% cus we all know some dogs get marked up from kennel fights and other things apart from work. but its about the only thing that a judge has to go by. so if people are upset by a marked dog winning they should go to kennel club shows and ponce around there instead
  7. bet she had fun trying to explain that one
  8. sorry mate i was replying to gilster asking about the mother of pepsi not the mother of your pups
  9. so is the mother whippet x lurcher then?
  10. do they still send you a badge if you collect the marmalade lids or is that not pc these days
  11. identical twins come from one egg that splits but un identical twins come from 2 different eggs so in thery it is possible in humans if the woman had sex with 2 men at same time and each man fertilised a different egg. in dogs you would have to have the dna test like dawn says or you could never be 100% sure which dog was the father of which pups.
  12. nice dogs marco all the best with the pups julian
  13. well done good bag of rabbits mate
  14. is it true the dog only has 2 teeth or is that a myth?
  15. top band its sad to see them split but they will still produce good music going there seperate ways
  16. right to roams 1st post says breeder of floyd has decent dogs and runs good land now hes saying he breeds rubbish but he bred floyd so does that mean floyds rubbish? and if the bitches are said to be better than the dog are they rubbish too? you scottish lads need to get off that bucky and write something that makes sense
  17. google LAL HARDY he does some fantastic working dog tats
  18. makes mlbs sleepy pitbull look like the cistine chapel
  19. if theres a poll the majority vote will be yes to name and shame so get it up and get voting. the mods will have to back down on this one
  20. you must of knew when you got an ex racer from kennels it would take it a while to settle into a indoor home
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