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Everything posted by Beastmaster1980

  1. When you say you have have a Hob with his "Nuts Cut" do you mean a vascectomy and just his tubes tied? I was told if a hob had his nuts cut or castrated he would not take the Gills out of season as he would not have the desire or hormones to want to breed with them. Cheers, Rich
  2. The thing with a vascectomy "The Snip" is that the hobs still keep their hormones and aggression. Have never kept Hobs with Gills before, would they be aggressive all year round or just when the Gill comes into season? Would castration not be a better option?
  3. I have bred my 2 Gill ferrets this year with my friends hobs (2 different Hobs) and had 2 litters. My Albino Gill had 11 Kits and my Polecat gill had 7 kits. I have given the majority of them away and have been left with 3 which i have decided to keep for my self, an Albino Hob, Sandy Gill & Polecat Gill. The Albino Hob & Sandy Gill are brother & Sister & the Polecat Gill is from the other litter. Having only ever kept Gills together, i was wondering if i would be able to keep all three living together and what would be the best route to go down with regards to neutering/spayin
  4. Ahh well nevermind, goods news is they have all gone to goods home now. Cheers Rich
  5. 2 Albino Hobs & 2 Sandy Gills (See Pics). Both parents are workers. 8 weeks old. Fed on meat diet. Have been handled regularly. Free to good homes. Call Rich on 07759 302189 - Based in Warrington, Cheshire
  6. Did he get the peru/sonaran from a guy up in Scotland? Coopers are pretty much feather specialist so probly pheasant, partridge, wood pigeon etc. Have seen them on half grown rabbits as well. Cheers Rich
  7. Any way of getting in contact with this coops breeder? Cheers, Rich
  8. My Brother has got a male peruv, flys at 1.1 and is after a female to go with it for breeding in a few years.
  9. Just wondering if anyone knew anyone who breeds Peruvian Harris Hawks in the UK apart from Richard at Oaktree. Looking for a female? Cheers Rich
  10. Does anybody on here know anyone breeding Coopershawk's in the UK? Cheers Rich
  11. 2 Albino Hobs & 2 Sandy Gills. 8 Weeks old. Handled regularly. Fed on meat diet. Free to good homes. Call Rich on 07759 302189 Based in Warrington, Cheshire
  12. Hello mate yes am interested in the Plummers, do you know what lines they are from or could you put me in contact with your mate? Where abouts in staff is he? Cheers, Rich
  13. Just a brief introduction as to what my interest are. I am based in Cheshire. I am interested in all field sports, falconry, shooting, ferrets & dogs. I fly a male harris hawk, shoot with a 2.2 air rifle, use ferrets for netting rabbits as well as under the hawk and have had dogs all my life, at the moment a dog E.S.S but am on the look out for a Plummer Terrier if anyone knows of any breeders? My Ferrets have just had kits which are 8 weeks old if anyone is interested msg me. Thats about it really, if anyone wants to contact me feel free. Cheers Rich
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