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Everything posted by Beastmaster1980

  1. Nice one mate, got a good hold of it by the head as well which is good
  2. I would have snapped his hand off if he had offered me a free harris. A few weeks manning and fitness and you would have had a hawk as good as any. Never heard of lungs and organs not working because its been sat in avairy, yes it may be unfit but at 2 years old you would have no problem entering him on rabbits.
  3. Its not uncommon for a first year bird to be a bit vocal, especially when you are dropping its weight as it has never been this hungry before, as when with its parents it has a constant supply of food and is content so i wouldnt worry about that, they usually quiet down and totally silent second year. If you say it flys well and is keen at 1.6 1/2 try and keep it at that weight for a week and it will begin to get used to being at that weight, maybe do fist jumps for a week and weigh out its rations each day to keep its weight constant and then take it out hunting at the weekend and see how it
  4. By the way what weight are you flying him at? Looks like a nice big male, big feet as well
  5. Hello mate, if he is chasing quarry and pulling off at the last minute its either two things. He is not fit enough or he needs his weight dropping a bit. You can improve his fitness by fist jumping, chasing a rabbit lure up a hill and also get him following on tree to tree rather than carrying him on the fist, the fitter he gets the more confident he will become. Sounds more like he needs his weight dropping a bit if he is giving chase and already killed. Have a feel of his keel (Breast bone) it should be nice and sharp but you should still be able to feel some muscle either side. They can sti
  6. Top scales mate and a bargain as well. Happy Hunting. Thanks Rich
  7. Hello mate i will have them scales if you have still got them. I live in Warrington so can collect. Thanks, Richard
  8. I got a Patterdale a couple of weeks ago, its now 14 weeks and is broken to my ferrets. First time i showed her the ferrets she was unsure but after a week off seeing them running around in the hutch she settled down so i let them out together in my back yard, she was a bit over excited at first but once the novelty had worn off she was fine. The more they get to see the ferrets the less they see them as prey so just keep at it, if it goes for them just scruff it or smack its arse it will soon learn. They seem to be a lot calmer out in the field, i took mine out with the ferrets last week and
  9. Going to start her on rabbit, took her out with the ferrets the other day so she could get a feel for things and she seemed pretty keen already, head down the holes etc so will just she how she goes
  10. She is coming on really well mate am well pleased with her. Always had springers or cockers for falconry so this is the first terrier i have owned, totally different temperament which is a nice change, cant wait until shes big enough to start working. She is already broken to my ferrets and loves playing around with them, she was a bit unsure at first tho
  11. Just a couple of pics of my new Patterdale at 10 weeks
  12. Sorry about that mate its not aimed at anyone on the forum, left pc logged on and one of my mates thought it would be funny to write it when i went out the room the tit!! Please accept my apologies
  13. Are you stupid, its just a DOC tucked inside a quail mate, they are pulling your leg!!
  14. I have a male harris that is good on crows and magpies. I fed him on magpies throught the moult and when he came out to start the season i couldnt keep him off them. Cheers Rich
  15. What weight does he fly at? How old is he? Have you any pics? Cheers Rich
  16. What bird of prey? Have you got any pics, i am after a tattoo of a goshawk on my back. Thanks, Rich
  17. I am looking for a terrier to join my team, Harris Hawk & 2 Gill Ferrets but am not sure what to go for really. I went to a Game fair last year and saw the PTA showing their Plummers and they had some cracking looking dogs and spoke to a few owners who said they were good rabbiting & ratting dogs also i really like the build and coat of the Plummer. I also like Jack Russels and was wondering what a Plummer can do that a Jack cant (And dont say fix your sink haha) and do you think the price tag of a Plummer £250 to £400 reflects its ability compared to a Jack Russel costing alot less.
  18. What sort of weight would you expect him to fly at? What did the previous males fly at? Cheers Rich
  19. What weight is he flying at? Cheers, Rich
  20. Has your hawk got a bit of Peruvian in it? Looks very light on chest and head area. Cheers Rich
  21. Thanks for your replies, i knew some smart arse would pick up on my spelling mistake, ferrets instead of ferreters haha Cheers Rich
  22. I have kept ferrets for a couple of years now and have had two litters this year. Have done quite a bit of netting but never had the success of that "big bag" just a couple of rabbits here and there. Was wondering if there was any tips or advice before i start this season? Do i feed before taking them out? Whats the best age to enter the ferrets at quarry as i have kept two gills back from the litters which are now four months and would like to give them ago? What to look for, rabbit poo near the holes or fresh digging anything else? The best time of day to ferret? The best nets to use, weight
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